Wednesday, January 7, 2009

6 Days...

Oh yes, I have indeed stitched for 6 days in a row. I can hardly believe it myself! I must admit though, that for 3 of those days I didn't do any stitching until 11.30 at night and squeezed it in just so I could keep on track. But it still counts, right?!!

I have just finished sewing down the binding on another mini quilt. This one is 8x9" I used some yummy wools for the background - they were so nice to work with! And we happen to have had snow again last night, so I thought real snow would make an interesting background for a quilt with 'woolen' snow!

I didn't need to look any further than out my living room windows to get inspiration for this one. Lots of snow, blue/grey skies and bare trees. That about sums it up! Plus with the ice-storms we have been having, there are a lot of lop-sided trees in NH at the moment. If you want to read more about that, you can pop over to my other blog where I did a post about it back in December.

But back to the little quilt, since showing the quilting on the back was so popular with my tiny house, I took a photo of the back of this one too, though you won't see the quilting as well because of the patterned background...

So on my sewing schedule today is a bag to put my grocery bags in. At first I was thinking of doing a cylindrical one like this...BUT then I saw this lovely one on Pink Penguin yesterday, and am leaning heavily to that style. I could use lots of scraps and just do wonky strips. So in other words, today I plan to do some stripping!


  1. Love the applique! I have done some myself. I too love to quilt but unfortunately just found knitting and love that too and am having a difficult time dividing my loyalties.

    I'll check back to see your other creations!

  2. good for you...i love your tree...such movement. it looks almost creepy, but in a really good way!

  3. your stuff is always so cool looking...and the tree fabric is perfect! i love it!

  4. Joanna you are an insipration!!! You are a very clever quilter, and now you have given me the idea for some quilted placemats, depicting my own house. i love that you show the back of your quilts, and snap Im making a bag bag today too.

  5. I love all your new mini quilts, so cute!

  6. Your tree is fabulous. Look forward to seeing your bag.

  7. loving your mini quilts. 6 days ??? that is wonderful.

  8. You go girl!!! Everything is so very cute...and wool...I haven't tried that,yet.

  9. LOL, am I the only one giggling at the way you said "I'm off to do some stripping!"?

    Don't get cold!

  10. I love that tree. It is so artistic and beautiful.

  11. Your mini quilt is beautiful!

    Thanks for liking my bag dispenser;)
    Mine is actually pretty simple to make. I created 1 front, 1 back, and 2 sides - sew them together at the end making the bottom part by folding the front and back parts along the corners of the side parts.
    Measurements for mine were
    front&back - 6 1/2" X 16"
    Sides - 4 1/2" x 12"
    These are measurements including seam allowances ;)

    Happy Sewing!

  12. Your applique is cool! Wow..6 days in a row!

  13. At least someone is getting some stitching done! LOL
    Not me and no excuses except I guess I am in the middle of the winter blaghs!
    You're looking good and love your little minis...I bet you feel like you are getting a lot accomplished with so many done!

  14. Hi joanna,

    I love it.. as part of encouraging you, I have passed on an award.. hope you will collect it..

  15. I love that tree! It is sooooo cold here too!
