Friday, April 17, 2009

Bloggers' Quilt Festival

To take part in the Blogger's Quilt Festival, held over at Park City Girl's blog, you need to post a photo of your favorite quilt. I have been thinking long and hard and just can't come up with a favorite! They are all my favorites for different reasons. Usually my very favorite is the one I'm working on at the moment.

So I decided to put up a favorite of my hubby's.
I made this house quilt for him when I was pregnant with our first baby and it was for his birthday. I knew I wanted to make him a quilt, but still being in the first year of marriage I didn't know exactly what he would and wouldn't like. I found the pattern in a quilt magazine and 'thought' he would like it but still wasn't sure. So what does a wife do to find such things out?? Why she leaves the magazine open to that page in the bathroom next to the toilet of course! Sooner or later the said husband will need to do his business, and when there's nothing else to read, of course he'll pick up the magazine, right?

Well you would not believe how perfectly this plan worked! It went EXACTLY according to plan. He came out one day showing me the magazine and raving about how much he liked that house quilt. So it was a done deal. Too easy.

It hangs in our bedroom right next to his computer. Going on 9 years later, he still loves it. Is it my favorite quilt? No. Is it my favorite quilt story? Oh yes!

Now hop on over to Park City Girl, and see the links to all the other fantabulous quilts!


  1. Very special quilt story and very nice quilt.

  2. LOL! You are pretty tricky! What a cute quilt (and so is the one on your bed).

  3. Very cute quilt. The story is fun also. Oh young love!

  4. I'm with hubby--I really like it, too! And the stories make the quilts even more special, don't they?

  5. Thank you for sharing a story behind the quilt. It's very beautiful. :-)

  6. Funny story and a cute quilt.

  7. My favorite "Joanna quilt" is the gorgeous Sunflower quilt hanging in your living room. Now go take a picture and post it...some close ups of the fantastic sunflower centers would be an added bonus. Now go off your stuff! LOL!

  8. That story is too funny! Thanks for showing that cute little quilt, and for bringing a smile to my face. :)

  9. Thats a great quilt and a great story. I like the quilt on the bed too.

  10. What a lovely story, Your quilt is really nice too. I might just have to use your tactic's on my hubby!

  11. What a pretty quilt, house quilts are so heart warming. Aren't you the clever wifey LOL. Men are so easy to manipulate.


  12. awww, what a sweet story. And a great hubby. Sounds like a keeper :-)

  13. Cute quilt, nice 'trick', too!

  14. The house quilt is lovely Joanna, and the story behind it is special.
    Thank you for sharing it with us.

  15. I love the story and that your husband loves the quilt. It is beautiful and special.

  16. Very special for sure.......thanks for sharing. Enjoy the festival

  17. Your quilt is very special indeed.

  18. great when you make the right quilt for someone special...great story, great quilt. thanks for sharing.

  19. Sweet quilt and story to go with it - so many memories with just one look! Thanks for sharing it with us :)

  20. LOVE your story and the quilt, what a great memory to have.

  21. Hilarious. I'll have to leave some hints around for my hubby!

  22. Cute story. If only it were that easy for my DH but he never lacks reading material of his own.
    I love house blocks and yours is so unique.

  23. I love both quilts, the houses and the purple bear's paw on the bed. Definitely one of the funniest stories I've read so far!

  24. Love your quilts, and I love the stories behind them

  25. What a wonderful story. It really looks great on that wall.

  26. Great story! You have to think like a man, sometimes. Love the quilt on your bed! Thanks for sharing your quilts with us!

  27. I can see why he likes it. It's a wonderful story! :-)

  28. Very clever way to find out if he liked the quilt! Love the colors.

  29. You are so tricky! The quilt is lovely

  30. I'm smiling at yr sweet love story!

  31. Way to go! I may have to imitate that strategy sometime. Darling quilt.
