Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thrifty Thursday 3

I am linking this post to Shanty2Chic's I made it without my hubby day!
Shanty 2 Chic

The Thrifting Gods smiled upon me this week. I got a boatload of milk glass, plus a picture frame. But not just any picture frame. I needed a HUGE frame - about 30" x 36". Plus I wanted it to be quite substantial - not like those skinny edge poster frames.

9 years ago while still pregnant with my daughter, a lady from my hometown, Temple View, (Aunty Hana Smith for those of you reading that know her), in New Zealand came to visit Salt Lake City where I was living with my hubby. My Mum had given her a little package to give to me, so we met up with her and received said package. But that wasn't all. Aunty Hana also handed me the most fabulous tea-towel from New Zealand.
It has the recipe for our national dessert, Pavlova on it, and I have dreamed, for 9 years, of framing it and hanging it in my kitchen. That tea-towel has been through 5 moves and cross country with me, and in the back of my mind I kept thinking, hmmm I really should do something with it. So after the perfect solution didn't just fall into my lap, (ie the right size frame falling out of the sky and into my kitchen) I finally decided this week to do something about it!

First I looked in stores for a frame. But because I needed a large one, they were way out of my price range. I just didn't want to pay 50, 60, 70 dollars and more for a frame with a picture in it that I wasn't going to use anyway! Plus I knew I wanted to paint the frame a nice bright color, so I knew the thrift store was the way to go.

I went to all our local thrift stores, but there just wasn't anything big enough. Except for the ugly poster frames, and that was just not happening!

Finally, at the last store, I found a frame!
But it was $16, and I still really didn't want to pay that much. Yes I know it was a lot cheaper than the new ones in the regular stores, but hey, I am cheap. But then, I saw that they were having a sale - anything with a yellow sticker was 50% off and guess what color sticker the frame had?!

So I came home with my $8 frame, dismantled it, and set to work painting it. First was a white undercoat (I'm doing another smaller frame at the same time)And then came the candy apple red on the big frame and the apple green on the smaller one.
I'll let the paint dry really well over night and tomorrow put it all together and post more pics. I am SO excited to finally have this underway!

Finished project is at my next post....


  1. That will look really great in the red frame. I love it. My mom use to make pavlova's when she was alive. I sure miss them both. My mum's sister came over from N.Z. for about 5 weeks and we had the best time with her.

  2. I love Kiwi teatowels! Totally your colours too. Good find. I think you are a kindred spirit, hunting down those bargain bargains. I cant pass a clearance sticker or sign without my heart skipping a bit of a beat! :0)

  3. Yay!!! You have to take a shot of it hanging up because this is fab! I recently sprayed a blackboard frame bright yellow. I love bright frames. I wish I could go thrift store shopping with you.

  4. I look forward to seeing the end result. I can feel the excitment from over here.You are your fathers daughter!! mx
