Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thrifty Thursday

I'm back with my second installment of Thrifty Thursday!

I have a little routine on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I take my youngest to his speech therapy class then on the way home we stop at one or two thrift stores...just in case there is something I can't live without. Today was no exception and I did find some goodies.

First up I got three pieces of milk glass. I love milk glass and have a small collection which slowly grows with my thrift store finds. You find it very reasonably priced in thrift stores. Today I got 3 pieces...
The heart bowl was $2.99 which I think may be the most I've paid for a piece, but it was just so lovely, how could I say no?! The vase in the middle was 99 cents and the vase on the end was 50 cents! Can you say bargain?!

Next up I got these 2 hoops for 25 cents a piece. I love the look I've seen on some blogs where they just put a favorite piece of fabric in them and hang them on the wall as art, so that is exactly what I plan to do. I'm thinking that I might even paint them, just so they will 'pop' more.

And lastly I bought this sweet pillowcase for $2.

I fell in love with the pretty embroidery and knowing how long something like that would take to make myself, it was well worth the money. Plus when I held it to my nose to smell it, it was like it had just come from my mother's linen closet. That well-worn but clean smell. It took me straight back to my parent's home, and good memories.

I have been busy on some projects plus bought some new fabric, so stay tuned for my next post to see what I've been up to!


  1. I love all your bargains, milk glass has always been a favorite of mine. The pillowcase is so pretty, and I'm sure that you're hoops will turn into something beautiful.

  2. Very nice finds. Love the milk glass.

  3. Love that heart bowl!! GREAT find. I'm picking up some of those hoops soon for a craft for Bostons room. Wish I could get mine for 25cents too haha.

  4. My mother had a lot of milk glass, and I think of her every time I see a piece.
    You are quite the bargain hunter!

  5. Ahhh yes, the thrill of the hunt!!
    I know it well!!!

  6. I can never find a bargain at a thrift store. I think all the good stuff is sold on at markets now unfortunately. You have some lovely items there.

  7. I just got a milk glass vase- my first, but I like it and will probably start picking up a little more of it. And I also have a couple hoops like that to put fabric in. Waiting til I get three so it's more pleasing to the eye.

    You should check out my last post about the Christmas decs. I have a shelf up and almost everything on it was thrifted and the shelf itself was FREE- got it in the city-wide cleanup. I LOVE to feel like I got a good deal or even better, something for nothing.

    It's a good thing we don't live in the same town. We would totally be fighting over the thrift stores. LOL!

  8. Oh beautiful, I don't think I've seen milk glass before, but these are gorgeous xo

  9. Well it's about time you posted something! You've been slacking off and I have where is the green quilt??? HUH? I'm waiting here! LOL! Maybe I should sart a "Gimme Green" campaign to see if we can get some results here. After all, you did take TWO Show me the money, I mean,. show me the green! " YOu know you want to, LOL!

  10. Hello my dear, finding bargains again, eh? Thrifty Thursdays is so smart! And the idea of that wall with little quilts, I'm very keen on that. Love Ya!
