Monday, January 4, 2010


My first applique project for the year is this little flowerpot with 3 simple flowers in it. This is before I started the applique...
The fabrics, even the brown background, are all Jinny Beyer fabrics which I picked up in her store (scroll down towards the end of that post to see the pictures of Anna and I in the Jinny Beyer Quilt Studio) when I was visiting with my friend Anna in April last year.

I am going to mount this little quilt in a wooden embroidery hoop I picked up at a thrift store recently. My darling 9 year old girl told me last night, "I like the design but I hate the fabrics Mum!" I told her, well lucky I'm not making it for you then! I should finish up the applique today. I might add some leaves - it is looking a little naked. So tell me, since I'm putting this in a hoop, should I quilt it first or just put it in the hoop with no batting/quilting? I'm not sure what the 'right' thing to do is. Not that I actually believe in the quilt police!


  1. I would use a light batting and quilt it before I put it in the frame. Great fabrics!

  2. This is going to be a very cheery applique project. I saw a project where it was quilted and then hooped. The edges were turned under and had some elastic to gather it and make it neat on the back. Light batting for sure.

  3. I guess I'm opposite from everyone else. I would just put it in the hoop without quilting it. But I would leave it cut as a square so later if I wanted to use it in a quilt I could.

    I'm really liking your brown background with the bright colors! Not what I would have grabbed, but it so works.

  4. Um as I cant quilt to save myself, I will just leave (scuse the pun) that up to you!!! Looks good though!

  5. I'd skip the hoop, quilt it and add it to the Peanut Gallery, hee-hee..

  6. It would look great either way but if want a little dimension and some stitches, use a pellon. It doesn't need to be quilted to look good though.

  7. Wow, these are all good ideas. I lean towards quilting because it adds interest. I also think quilting little quilts is great practice. My two cents!

  8. The is such a happy piece. I believe in art there are no wrong answers just do what sings to your heart.

  9. Sounds like S has her Auntie Cathie's taste...and that is a good thing! LOL
    Just will be a cute little project when you are all done and I agree with the leaves.
