Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Applique class

On Saturday I was invited to teach the lovely ladies at the New England Modern Quilt Guild how to do needleturn applique. It was so much fun!

They all came prepared with a tree block from my tree tutorial (you can find it here or over on my sidebar) and I taught them how to prepare and then needleturn leaves to their trees. I was so impressed with all the different trees and loved their fabric choices. Look at them all holding their tree blocks!
They all picked it up really well and learned that hand applique really isn't so scary after all! And best of all, they all went home at the end of class, enthusiastically promising to finish their trees. What more could a teacher want?! Thanks ladies for being such great students! And thanks to Shelly for bringing all the free magazines. This is what was left after being picked over. I have a nice pile to read through!

If anyone in the New England area loves the new modern patterns and fabrics out there, I highly recommend checking out the New England Quilt Guild - they are a fun bunch of ladies with lots of exciting things going on!


  1. Well done Joanna - this sounds like it was lots of fun and very successful :-)

  2. How fun! I need to make another one of those for a pillow for me. My daughter loves hers...

  3. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Those trees look great - you must be very proud of your students.
