Saturday, January 8, 2011

Zig Zag Progress

I didn't do any exciting stitching today, but I did do some boring stitching! I needed to make some more chair covers for the children's classes at church. I won't even bother showing you a photo - if you are desperate to see, they are the same as the ones in this post from a week ago!

So since I don't have any exciting stitching to show you, I thought you could look at what is on my design wall in my quilt room.

If you follow my blog you might remember the zig zag tutorial I did a few weeks back. I have received just over half of the blocks back from the 2 swap groups I am in, and I think it's shaping up rather nicely!
Once I receive the rest back and make a few more myself, I'll have enough for a bed quilt. I have grand plans for this quilt, and it involves a complete re-do of our bedroom. Hopefully the hubby isn't reading this!

Thank you everyone for your input on the birds/tree yesterday - some really good points were brought up and I have some thinking to do!


  1. The quilt is comming along very well. I like the effect it is having on the eyes.

  2. what a great graphic quilt. the black sets it all off perfectly!
    I made your cheesy sandwiches today for lunch - yum!

  3. I love this! It's brown for the solid, right? I can TOTALLY see a bedroom done in these colors. With some way cool mandala style pillows!!! (Mandalas are my "thing" right now.)

    LOVE it- great job!

  4. Joanna, this is gorgeous, I love the bright zig-zags with the black - its stunning.
