Sunday, January 2, 2011

New project

2 days into the year and I am 2 days into my goal of stitching and blogging every day! But barely - it's 11.30pm and I'm sneaking this post in.

I decided to make a new quilting project bag to carry my current hand work around in. You know, since I'm going to be stitching every day now and all!

I know it's in the early stages and it's hard to see the potential, but stick with me, I have plans!

What better to applique on a bag designed to hold quilt projects than the word 'QUILT'?! So stay tuned and see what becomes of this simple rectangle of fabric...


  1. Darling!
    In reading your profile I see we have a lot in common. I have just moved to TN from Panguitch UT!
    Have a Happy New Year!

  2. Cute! I love the idea of making yourself a quilt bags to carry your projects in. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
