Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Friends With Fabric

Today I visited with my friend Shannon and not only did we have a great talk and catch up, (it's been a while) but she pulled out her fabric stash and we played with fabric, books, bags and quilt blocks on the floor! She is a like-minded modern fabric enthusiast so we always have fun together. I teach her about quilting and she teaches me about organizing - she is the organization queen! Go check out her blog - she recently did a tutorial with a free pattern that she made herself. It's for Valentines, but I think it could be modified for other special occasions such as Birthdays, Easter, Christmas and so on.


  1. Isn't it wonderful to have friends to share our fabric obsession with?!!! So glad you had a great time. xo

  2. It was so great! I don't know why we don't get together regularly!! But I will see you tomorrow. :)
