Saturday, February 26, 2011


Today I added another mini quilt to my wall of quilts. When you make the blocks from my zig zag tutorial, each block will yield you 16 left over HST's. (That's Half Square Triangles for all you non-quilting folk!) If I have 64 zig zag blocks for my quilt, that is 1024 HST's for me to enjoy and repurpose! Last week I used 4 of them and made a little pincushion. Today I used 24 and made this...Then I did some fun triangular quilting with a variegated thread...
bound it with some gorgeous Kaffe fabric, then put it up on my wall.The beauty of HST's is that you can arrange them in an endless amount of ways and make different patterns. They are so much fun to play with! I think I'll make some quilted pillow covers for our bed to match the zig zag quilt when it's done, and also a wall quilt to go above our bed, probably with some applique on the borders. Hopefully I don't get sick of the HST's too quickly! (By the way, the background is Kona Chocolate, not black like it appears!)


  1. HSTs are great! I just had a second sewing lesson for a friend's daughter who's in the fourth grade. She made a little pillow. The beauty of it is that it looks much more complicated than it took to sew.

    Your quilt wall is looking fantastic!

  2. Oh your wall is looking fabulous!

  3. I love the colours you used, those quilts look cute!

  4. How are you hanging your mini quilts? Are you using pins? I make a lot of miniature quilts and am always looking for a better way to hang them.

  5. I always love to see the progress on your wall.

  6. Your wall is seriously awesome! I love it. You have so much talent!
