Saturday, March 5, 2011

"A" First

Yesterday while I finished up the teddy bear my 10 year old girl tried her hand at buttonhole applique for the first time. I did 3 stitches to show her how it's done and then she was off. Yes it's not perfect, but she did it completely by herself as I was in another room. I made a mistake in the way I started it for her because she is left handed and I started the stitching going towards the right which would be hard for her. I must remedy that next time. She was so excited to do this by herself!

Now that she has the idea of how the stitch works, we'll work on the finer details of the stitch!

Update: Sofia worked hard on her wool piece today after church and she has improved! I noticed that she changed the direction the stitch was worked so it works a lot better for her now. And her stitch improved as you can see on these corner circles...I love this girl who wants to do things just like her Mom!


  1. Well done Sofia. I like the colours in your applique.

  2. Good to start a child on the road to stitching!

  3. Well, how does that saying go: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! It's evident here, I'd say! Well done Sofia!

  4. Oh your Grandma Carmen will be so proud to see your new skill!
    I know she wishes she could be there to help you learn but you are lucky to have a Mom who loves to sew too!

  5. Great job Sofia!!!
    You must be very proud and honourd, Joanna,to have a daugther that wants to follow in your footsteps :)

  6. very special when your kids want to do what you love to do.

  7. Lovely to have a stitching daughter, mine has never been interested, sob!

  8. Nice job Sofia! Practice will make perfect, good on her!

  9. oh these pictures are a treasure, will warm your heart for many years to come.
    enjoy these years with her, they grow up to fast.
    she is doing a great job.

  10. Excellent job, Sofia! You have your mom's talent!

  11. Look at her go! The apple didn't fall far from the tree!

  12. Awesome work on the apple! It's great to see enthusiasm and love for working with one's hands in the younger generation.
