Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Tale of Two Mixers

Did you know today was National Quilting Day? I had grand plans to leisurely quilt all day long, then life happened and the long day of quilting didn't happen! For some unknown reason I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Talk about grumpy, and talk about a patient hubby! I cleaned, I cooked, I cleaned some more, I cooked some more, we went shopping, my grumpiness disappeared, then we went to an activity night (international pot luck dinner) at church. Then it was home to get the kids bathed and into bed and it is only now, at 11 at night that I've had a chance to do any quilting! Just more stitching on my circle flowers. I'll spare you a photo - it's the same thing as yesterday! How boring is that for you all?!

The most exciting thing I have to show you is my newest aquisition, a new Kitchen Aid mixer!
I already had one which I use every single day, but it was over 10 years old and it started to make funny noises and just wasn't running smoothly. It was bumping all over the place and just wasn't the same old mixer that I loved. Plus the coating on one of the beaters started to wear off. I thought it was just from old age, and from the every day use it has suffered. That thing has been a real work horse! My hubby knows how much I use and love it, so he happily bought me a brand new shiny chrome one which arrived yesterday.

I started reading the manual that came with it and it said something about being able to adjust the height of the beater, and that if it was too low, the beater would bang against the bowl and the coating would rub on the bowl and start to wear off. I thought huh? That's what happened to mine. Then it dawned on me that maybe there was nothing wrong with my mixer after all and I just needed to adjust this screw and raise the beater. Shiny new screw...
Grody old one which was there hidden under 10+years of flour...I adjusted the screw and I turned the mixer on. Sure enough, no wobbling, no funny noises, the movement was smooth - it was perfect! Aaargh! I didn't need a new one after all!!! Luckily my hubby has a sense of humor and thought it was hilarious! So I am now the owner of two Kitchen Aids. Isn't that a great problem to have?!!

The shiny new one is staying - it's gorgeous and there is no way it's leaving my house, ever! The old one I think is going to live with my sister in law in Utah, who will pick it up when they visit this Summer. In the meantime, there's going to be a whole lot of bread making going on in this house!


  1. Congratulations! My mixer is blue and I love it. She is 28 years old this year and has worked very hard for me. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a wonderful "surprise". Good to know nothing was wrong with the first mixer, but it is always fun to have something new to play with. Enjoy the time in your kitchen!

  4. You are lucky...I am currently squirreling away my pennies for a Kitchen Aid mixer. I am nearly there and my new conundrum is which colour to get???

  5. I always wondered if you could adjust the height. Thanks for the tip! I can't live without my KitchenAid either. Your new one sure is a beauty.

  6. I have a Kitchen Aid mixer too. The chrome one you just received would certainly fit in with today's desire by everyone to have stainless steel appliances in the kitchen. I don't use mine that much and was wondering what you use yours for in daily use. I never would have thought of adjusting the screw either as a solution. Good tip.

  7. I love mine too. I got it for my birthday when I was in my 20's. That means that mine is at least 20 years old. Wow! It is almond colored, which was all the rage back then. What a wonderful investment they are!! I would say that this was, instead of a mistake on your part, a blessing for your sister-in-law.
