Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tasty Tuesday

I make bread. I make a lot of bread, and today I thought I'd share with you one kind I have made lately. If you read any cooking blogs you would have heard of no-knead bread about 3 years ago. I remember reading about it, trying it, and for whatever reason not making it too much since. I think it was the rise time - you need to start making it the day before and I'm more of a same-day kind of girl.

So last week my friend Anna sent me a text of some no knead artisan bread she had made, warm, dripping with butter and honey - she is so mean. In fact, here is the exact picture she sent me...

See? I told you she was mean!! Only problem was it was midnight and I wasn't about to make any bread that night. But she made me remember making it in the past and I thought I'd give it a go and here was the result...

Bubbles are a good thing...

Yum! It was moist on the inside and super crispy on the outside. If you don't make bread because you are afraid of all the kneading you need to do, or if you don't own a mixer that will do it for you, then this is definitely the bread for you!

You literally DO NOT knead it! You mix the 4 ingredients together, flour, yeast, salt and water, leave it for 12-18 hours, push it around a bit to deflate it, let it rise a bit again, then pour it into your cooking container, and bake! When I say pour, I really do mean pour...

There are many many recipes online - you can just google "no knead bread" and come up with a plethora of them. Here are some you can check out if you just want to click instead of type!

The Amateur Gourmet

Steamy Kitchen

The Wednesday Chef

You will notice that my bread isn't as brown as it is in the above blogs. I think it was because I forgot to preheat my casserole dish. But it was still crispy and delicious!


  1. Sure would like to know which recipe you used. Do tell!

  2. I'd like to know where that dish is from. It's beautiful. I've never thought of making bread in a casserole before.

  3. You sold me Joanna. I am going to buy some yeast and make some of this.

  4. I think I used to make a dilly bread this way....is there anything better than home made bread??? I don't think so! Great photos and inspiration too

  5. You and me, we love us some bread! What folks need to know is that that casserole makes the bread in an oven within an oven. The casserole is a mini oven (that's why you preheat it) But yours was great without preheating? Super. I am about to chomp down on some now. We make it almost everyday. I even make the refrigerator kind now to, so some is on hand when I forget. I find it's the best when it bubbles for 24 hrs. REally develops the gluten, and makes the best, yeastiest, biggest holes, crunchiest crust. Yesh, this is making me hungry!

  6. Also, good post, nice pics! STep by step was great. ~a
