Friday, May 27, 2011

Block number 5

My husband actually guessed the subject matter of this next block correctly the first time...
Carrots! The above photos are of the block before and after being needleturned.

This was a wonderfully simple block with only 2 pattern pieces. However, the curves in the carrot leaves give you a little bit of a challenge - enough to make it fun, but not too hard. I have another simple block all ready to applique, but I'll save that for tomorrow.

I actually sat down and figured out how all these will go together and worked out the measurements last night. Unfortunately I am going to have to do the bowl of lemons block again as the background is too small. Lucky I like applique so much!


  1. The carrots are seriously cute. I'm really enjoying seeing each block that you make

  2. Gorgeous carrots. I love carrot cake too!!! xo

  3. I LOVE your carrots!! Too bad I'm not fond of doing applique because its beautiful.

  4. Just like a soap opera. We have to tune in each day to see the next part. Good fabric choices for the carrots. Makes them easy to identify.
