Thursday, June 30, 2011

Machine Quilting

Yesterday I had a friend, Laurie from Dodging the Butterfly come over and spend a few hours on my machine getting one of her UFO's quilted.
We met over a year ago at the Boston Modern Quilt Guild and have become great friends! She had the loveliest quilt to get done - it was all done in modern fabrics in hues of pink and orange which is one of my favorite color combos.
It took her a couple of hours longer than it normally would have, because I hung out with her and talked her ear off. Poor thing! Every time I talked she had to stop quilting! I think that's what happens when you spend all day every day with your young children and suddenly you have an adult captive audience! Note to self - next time a friend comes to quilt, just leave them along to get the job done!! We had a blast and I hope we can do it again!


  1. Nothing better than a day with quilty friends! Her quilt is fabulous!

  2. Thanks again Joanna! I had a great time and loved being able to talk to you! It would've been weird if you left me alone the whole time. I am so glad that you don't mind me coming again - I would love to!

  3. Haha, maybe that is why it took me forever the first time! ;) Love her colors, no wonder you two are friends.

  4. Lucky friend...I'd stop to talk and gab with you anyday. I love love love that color combo, just gorgeous. ~a
