Sunday, June 26, 2011


Today I have 3 things to show you. One is quilty, one is crafty, and one is tasty. How can you go wrong with that combination?

OK, first up the quilty. One of my very favorite folk art applique artists is Sue Spargo. I love her color choices, I love her designs, I love her use of wool and embroidery mixed in with quilting cottons - I love everything she does! I want to be Sue Spargo when I grow up! Here is an example of one of her designs...
How could that not make someone happy?! Go check out her blog HERE to see more.

Second up is the crafty thing. Got an old lamp that you don't know what to do with? How about this...
Isn't it so perfect for a sewing room? Tutorial for it is HERE.
And thirdly, something tasty. It's that time of year here in the US when we all start hanging out by the firepit making S'mores. Look at this twist on it...
Can you say yum?! What a great idea to just pile it all into a sugar cone. You have to go see how to do it HERE. Pure genius!!

I hope you all had a great productive week and if you didn't, there's always this week!


  1. Sue's work is gorgeous, thanks for the link to her blog I had never seen her work before.
    The S'mores in the cone look delicious but huge!!!! YUM

  2. You showed us three cute things, one better than the other!
    A weekend very productive!....and yummy yummy for the cone!

  3. Thanks for the links: I am a new convert to hand applique and love the idea of "embellished applique" that Sue Spargo does. Gives me new things to think about.

    Perfect timing on the 'smores link -- I have a camping trip planned for later this summer with some young cousins and they're going to love this one!

  4. Thank you for sharing my blog on the Campfire Cones. Your appliques are gorgeous... I love the tomatoes! I would love an apron like that! :)
