Monday, June 20, 2011

Squash done

Today I finished appliqueing the squash and pumpkin block.
I am really loving it (even if it does need a good iron!) except for that empty space there on the top right corner. I think I might need to unpick the pumpkin stem and slip another leaf under there to fill the space.

Edited to add: Thanks to a great suggestion by Deb of Cluttered Quilter, instead of another leaf, I'm going to embroider a tendril to fill up the space! Thanks for the fantastic idea Deb!


  1. Hi! I am a first timer, but I like the block. If you really think it needs more in that right corner, how about a pumpkin tendril? Embroidered? Just an idea!!

    Deb from

  2. It looks great, and what a brilliant idea from Deb.

  3. Love your fabric choices, and your work...I can't even see the stitching!!
    Obviously you do NOT belong to my 'Donkey Stitch' club!!

  4. Tendril is the key. I agree.
    Deb, super should stop being a first timer!


  5. LOVE it!! Glad you found a resolution for the corner-- yay Deb! Its great to have quilty blogging friends :0)
