Friday, July 29, 2011

Aussie meets Kiwi

On Tuesday night at my MIL's night quilt group meeting I met someone I don't normally meet here in the US - an Australian! She was brand new to the group and of course we had to have a great chat about our countries. There are so many similarities between NZ and Oz, and we just 'got' each other. It was fantastic! We bonded over the words we use that are strange to Americans, and the misunderstandings that happen. At one point I said to her, you know, if we talk long enough I bet we'll find someone we both know. And sure enough, within one minute we figured out not one, but TWO people we both knew! It was fantastic hearing her accent...even if it was Australian hehe :P But she was just great and enthusiastic about quilting, and I know she'll be a great addition to their guild.

They had a fun activity planned for their meeting. They are making a mystery quilt and everyone was given a list beforehand of fabric to cut into certain sizes. Then at the meeting that walked around giving each person a piece of their fabric, so everyone ended up with different fabrics than they started with! Here is Robbie, the Aussie chick and her swapped fabrics...
Isn't that a fun idea?!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Aussie chick quilters! Me included, a beginner, but a enthusiastic Aussie one! :)
