Saturday, July 23, 2011

Barn Quilts

We have arrived! It's great to be back in Salt Lake City, especially after last night's debacle. I won't bore you with the whole story, but the short version is that we made reservations for wheelchair accessible rooms and when we arrived at 1.30 am, the hotel's idea of wheelchair accessible involved stairs, which made things rather impossible! To make matters worse, there was a rodeo in town and every single room in every single hotel was booked in all towns in an hour's radius! We finally found a place at 3am. Suffice it to say, it is good to have arrived at our final destination!

So I have something fun to show you tonight. Barn quilts!

I had been bugging everyone the entire trip to keep their eyes out for quilts painted on barns. I don't think they believed me (we are a rather sarcastic bunch!) and not seeing any along I-80 in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois didn't help any.

Then we hit Iowa, and in doing so, we hit the quilts on barns jackpot! We weren't on I-80 though, so maybe that was our problem all along.

So enjoy my little show of quilts on barns while we were speeding past at 75 miles per hour! (Some were far away, but if you look close enough you'll see them!)

I realllly want to make one for our shed out the back now!


  1. LOVE the photos!!!

    Barrier free...and stairs..did you say to the clerk, "REALLY" is a stange voice? I know I would have...


  2. I was on 80 in Iowa and I could not find any barn quilts. I must have missed them.

  3. Love the photos! Are you familiar with and follow the American Barn Quilt blog? Here's the link:
    I enjoy it a lot!

    My grown kids just gave me a barn quilt for my birthday this month; I haven't picked it out yet, but I've been perusing a barn quilt website that sells them and picking out my favorite patterns to choose from.

    I enjoyed your post!

  4. How cool! Love to take pics flying down the road. It's amazing how well they turn out!

  5. Wow Joanna, you did a great job snapping photo's quickly!! I haven't been across Iowa for awhile. I'm going to have to go just to see the barn quilts!!

    Deb (from Nebraska)

  6. Honestly when I saw the first pic I thought, "That looks like Iowa:)" I guess a girl knows her homeland!!! So glad you found something to look forward to on the long drive across the state!
