Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beach, Boat, Clams

I love it when family comes to visit because it's the best excuse ever to get out and do fun things! The last couple of days have been packed full of fun things. You saw photos yesterday, Wordless Wednesday, of a quilt and the beach. Yes, out of the thousands of people on the beach, I do believe I was the only one sewing binding on a quilt!
The quilt I was binding is going to a cousin in Washington State. I think it's kind of cool that the quilt is going from sea to shining sea - Maine to Washington! The beach we went to is called Ogunquit beach up in Maine. One of the reasons is that one of our visitors, Chris, is in a wheelchair, and Ogunquit is one of the few beaches that has special beach wheelchairs you can borrow. A normal wheelchair would never make it through the sand, but these make it possible to get right up to the water!
We then went to the town of Portsmouth NH, one of the oldest towns in the nation! We went on a boat cruise along the river and out into the Atlantic Ocean. Love these views...
Next up was a stop at a quilt shop, but I'll save my purchases to show you in another post!

One place my SIL wanted to go was Bob's Clam Hut in Kittery Maine which was featured on the Food Network show, "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives" with Guy Fiere. You can watch it featured HERE. We got a big basket of fried clams to share...yum!
Of course we had to get a photo of his signature on the wall!
Then tonight my hubby was home so we all went to a baseball game. A highlight for the kids was being able to run the bases after the game. That red blur is our youngest!


  1. What a great way to spend the day. Can't wait to see the new additions. B=)

  2. All of your activities with family sound and look like fun! The beach wheelchairs that we have here in CT have big RED wheels! Looking forward to seeing your fabric purchases :0)
