Sunday, July 3, 2011


Today's Seen-It-Sunday is all about things that are free!

We all love a bargain and free is the best bargain around!
First up is a free pattern for an I-Pad cover.
I was reading my friend Shannon's blog yesterday and she had posted a pattern she made for an I-Pad cover. Shannon is a whiz at all things technical including computer drawing programs so she even has a fancy instruction sheet you can print out.

You can go check it out HERE.

Secondly, I wanted to share a site I use on a daily basis. It's called Freebies 4 Mom.
Heather, the owner, posts all the free offers out there and I get things in the mail at least weekly that I have signed up for. I receive products in the mail for anything from makeup to laundry soap, to cans of paint, and I get coupons all the time for free things like Hair Dye, (gosh, did I really just tell you that?!), shampoo, and grocery food items. I get nothing for telling you about it - I just get a lot of free stuff and want you to get free stuff too! I have also joined the Freebies 4 Mom Facebook group so I get alerts throughout the day to what is free.

Now thirdly, just because we have family visiting and my sister in law just triple-double- quadruple-dog-dared me, I am going to leave you with this final image. Be warned, you may be offended! But you WILL laugh! Anyone in need of a birthday gift?
Please don't send me hate mail - when you are triple-double-quadruple-dag-dared, you have no choice but to do it.


  1. You are seriously the greatest! Thank you for sharing my pattern! I'm only mildly offended it's in the same post with wierd shave the baby. :)

  2. thanks for sharing these links! cheers Teri

  3. What on earth? Shave the baby! hahaha

    I just don't know what to say about that...

  4. Hi Joanna. I love your blog! I'm very much a beginner appliquer and I have learnt so much from you. Thank you.

  5. No doubt that you WILL be hearing from the Geico caveman! LOL
