Sunday, August 14, 2011


Since we were on vacation and traveling a lot this last month, we didn't eat a whole lot of home cooked meals, so tonight I have a couple of yummy things to show you that I'd like to make at home. Are you ready? They look really reallllly good.....

First, the savory...gorgonzola garlic bread...
If you are a gorgonzola fan like me then this would be heaven!

And next, the sweet...Heaven and Hell Cake...
Angel food cake, devil's food cake, chocolate ganache, and peanut butter mousse? A more perfect cake I have never seen!!

Back to quilty stuff tomorrow:)


  1. You really made that cake?? it looks like it was from a shop. I love the sound of the bread, I like gorgonzola in small doses. I'm going to check out that recipe, no calories in doing that, lol.

  2. How dare you post the bread without a recipe?
