Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Curtain Mania

It's curtains for me around here! See these bolts of fabric?

That would be 3 rolls of sheer curtain fabric, each roll with 30 yards. 90 yards! Yikes! I'm making curtains - A LOT of curtains - for a local hair salon to fill this space...

The height of the space is around 12 feet. And there will be multiple curtains on both the front and back. Yes I'm crazy! Needless to say, my personal quilting projects will be taking a back seat for a couple of days. Wish me luck!


  1. Hey, that's where I go too...thanks for the referral. LOL!

  2. They really need to lose the orange cones. I mean, really???

  3. yeah, cones out...but i like those chairs with the wide wing back. Good luck with the curtains Joanna, I hope there's a nice coffee shop (or wine bar) nearby when you need to fortify yourself. That's a HUGE amount of curtains.

  4. Eek, I have made curtains many times both for myself and for pay and 3 bolts of fabric, well that is a lot of curtains. Good luck!!!

  5. How exciting! Good luck on making them.

  6. Yes.......you are crazy! That is a loooot of curtains! But you'll make a good work, I'm sure!
