Sunday, October 23, 2011


I have a couple of crafty things to show you tonight - one for Halloween and one for Christmas. Oh please - did you know Christmas is only 9 weeks away? Don't be in denial - it's coming up FAST!!

First up, since it's ALL anyone under the age of 38 can talk about in our house, let's go for the Halloween craft...
How cool is that? Just spray paint an old frame green, get some string, and weave a web. Talk about easy! Tutorial found HERE along with other really cool Halloween decorating.

Next for the Christmas craft which is found HERE...
I buy jars of buttons whenever I see them in thrift stores. This would be a perfect project to use them on. Even the kids could do it! All you would need are some polystyrene balls, buttons, pins, and ribbons. Again, how easy is that?!

Happy Halloween, Merry Christmas, and everything in between!


  1. I'm telling you those both are really fun and I bet we could all do those. Thanks so much for sharing...I would be smiling seeing those in my house.


  2. muy original y muy vistoso
