Saturday, November 26, 2011

Framed Fabric

It is our girl Sofia's 11th birthday next week and she's been dying for a room makeover ever since she saw a post from Hideaway Girl last year. This is the room Hideaway Girl did for her daughter...
I have the blue paint and have been collecting quilt hoops from thrift shops...
Tonight I pulled some fabrics and started framing them. I absolutely adore the vintage sheets used in Hideaway Girl's makeover but I don't have enough variety to do that, so I'm just using regular quilt fabrics.
These are just 3 of them but I have many more to do. I'm so excited! I also need to just glue the edges under so they don't stick out like you see here. Now you're looking harder to see the fabric sticking out, aren't you?! I would be!!


  1. I love it. I have had the same idea myself and have collected the hoops. Just need the time. Your daughter will love it.

  2. What a sweet girls room. Great idea about the framed fabric.

  3. What a neat idea! Thanks for sharing.
