Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Great Time To Garden!

So we had that horrible snowstorm almost 2 weeks ago now, that resulted in us losing power for 5 days. It was cold and miserable. We're still waiting for the city to take away the limbs that were downed during the storm. This is out front of our house - just imagine every single other house in the city with piles like this, but mostly bigger.
This week you would NEVER know it had snowed, OR that it is November. It has been glorious - today it was 68 Degrees, sunny, and beautiful blue skies. So what does one do on such a day but get their gardens ready for Spring next year! I need to fill my garden beds 'Lasagne Gardening' style so they can compost themselves over the winter and be perfect for planting in the spring. I bought big bags of peat moss and dried cow manure that I will add with layers of mowed grass and leaves, of which there is plenty in New Hampshire this time of year!
I've split open the bags of peat moss and will let it hang out all day tomorrow in the rain to get a good soaking, then put it in the garden beds this weekend.
While I prepared things, the kids played hide and seek. I love where Sofia chose to hide...
Talking of leaves, look at where our cat decided to take a nap this afternoon...

Nope, not the grass, not the driveway, not inside the neighbor's car (which he does quite often), but in a big pile of leaves. He was so happy in those leaves!

Any gardeners out there - Home Depot has all their trees/shrubs/bushes on sale right now for 75% off. I bought hydrangeas, roses, and a butterfly bush amongst others for $2-$4 each. Bargain!! Plus it's a great time to plant them so their roots are strong by spring.
And in the very last news for the day, about a month ago I sent away my papers to become a US citizen. Yesterday I got fingerprinted. The red lights and bells and whistles didn't go off so I guess they decided I can move on and take the big they gave me this book...

There are 100 questions to study, of which I'll be asked 10. I think I handle the ones like, "Where is the Statue of Liberty?", or, "What is the name of the National Anthem", or, "What happened on September 11, 2001 in the United States?". It's questions like, "The House of Representatives has how many voting members?" that I need to study up on. Wish me luck!


  1. Your dauther sure has some guts to hide there!!!!
    Good luck with the Q&A session. I am sure it will go well, and that you will have citizenship real soon.
    Enjoy the gardening.

  2. I wish you well on your citizenship test. We are certainly delighted to have you and enjoy all the talent (not to mention those cute kids of yours)you have brought with you to America!

  3. Joanna, best of luck with your citizenship test! I know you'll do great!

  4. Isn't gardening fun. I have put hoop houses up some of my seedlings and picked some spinach the other day.
    Congrats on working toward being a US citizen. That is awesome.

  5. Indeed. Best of luck!

    Oh dear. I should get out in my garden too!
