Sunday, November 13, 2011

Library Bag

So when the hubby got home last night I told him about the internet not working and after fiddling around with things a bit he found the problem. What is the first question you should ask yourself when things aren't working? That's right - is it plugged in? it wasn't!! Oh boy was that a blonde moment for me or what?!

At least it's all working now and I get to show you the bag I was going to show you last night.

Sofia got a last minute invitation to a birthday party yesterday. This is when being able to sew comes in very handy! She chose the fabrics and I sewed up a library book bag for the birthday girl.

We topped it off with a flower safety pinned to the bag so she can remove it and pin it to anything she wants.

When I make these bags I add Craft Fuse to the lining and handles - it makes it nice and firm and sturdy. I think I need to make my boys library bags, especially since we go every week. Luckily Christmas is coming up! I feel a tutorial coming on - anyone interested?!!


  1. Yes I have to grandson's that both go to library so I would love to make a bag for both of then.

  2. That's gorgeous Joanna. Love the addition of the rose. Yes very handy to be able to sew up something beautiful and original,cheers

  3. I would love a tutorial on it. I love all the bags I am seeing but haven't tried making one yet. This one is beautiful.

  4. Love the bag. What a great gift idea.
