Sunday, November 20, 2011


It's been a few weeks since I did a Seen-It-Sunday so I thought I'd get back in the swing of things!

Today I want to show you a fantastic tutorial from Choose To Thrive on how to make skirts from fitted bed sheets. Yes, really - fitted bed sheets!

Even better, it even shows you how to decorate them with applique!

Check them out...

And look at the applique - one regular and one reversed...

I love this blog. The owner, a woman named Nike, has decided to live for a year without spending a dime on home remodeling or crafting. She's taking a "Rock-What-Ya-Got" approach and I LOVE that! She's such an inspiration, and as you can see, she has great ideas. My hubby would love it if I did that. Wouldn't yours??! While you're there, you should check out her other tutorials like "Make Your Own Tin Craft Stars From Disposable Cake Pans" or "Make Your Own Girls Tights", or something I'll be doing with my kids this season, "Puffy Snowflakes With Regular Salt and Epsom Salts" I bet you have all the stuff you need at home to make all of these projects without spending a dime!


  1. Nike is AWESOME! and one of my best friends ever. Love her! (& her darling family!) Jana

  2. Thank you Joanna for featuring my skirts! These turned out to be my favorite refashion ever, so much so that I've been sifting through the rest of our sheets to see which ones need to be retired. :)

  3. those are lovely skirts and I love the idea of the reverse applique ,you use the piece that you actually cut the applique out of,I will go over there and check out the other awesome ideas I like to recycle so it's perfect for me thanks for this post.

  4. It is known as a reserve cutting, the use of piece is perfect with white colour. I created it, in Halloween day, only with black and white colour.
