Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tasty Tuesday

Here in the US we have Thanksgiving coming up in two days. Our kids finish school for the week today and as I'm one of the room moms for my girl's class, I was assigned to make a Thanksgiving treat. Nothing says Thanksgiving more than turkeys, so turkey cupcakes were the treat of choice. No not cupcakes with chunks of turkey in them (bleh yuck gross!) but these...

My girl Sofia helped decorate them and each one has their own personality! They were so easy - the hardest part was finding candy corn now that Halloween's over. Thankfully the other room mom had some left over and saved the day.
Now if only real turkey tasted as good as these guys, I might actually like it!


  1. Cute Turkeys... Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  2. You sound like my DH and his Kiwi daughter. They can't imagine why we crazy Americans like turkey. :-)

  3. Aweseome cupcakes!! I am soo making these sometime - so cute!
    Happy Thanksgiving.
