Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


  1. What a mess!
    Looks like a lot of cleaning up to do.
    At least the snow is melting.
    You have done well with no power too.

  2. I hope your power has been restored! I went out yesterday afternoon, also, with my camera and took photos of the broken and toppled trees in our yard. Our area looks similar. It's very humbling, but I am grateful that we are safe and our home was not damaged. Glad you're safe, too. Hope you're keeping warm!

  3. I can see why you lost power with all those leaves on the trees and when those limbs come down on the lines it can be a real mess for the power company to get it all fixed. It is sad to see those beautiful trees all broken though.

  4. so sorry about your tree. That always wrenches my heart...

  5. I just got my power back today. It was out since 6pm Saturday. And those messes you show look exactly like my street.

  6. I can see why you lost power, wow that's a lot of damage. So glad you finally got your power back!
