Friday, December 30, 2011

1 More Day...

...and the drama never stops!

We went to a birthday party this afternoon at a roller skating rink. Halfway through the party, my boy Coleman fell and his ankle blew up to unnatural proportions.

After 3 hours of waiting and xrays in an urgent care, we found out he has a possible fracture, an air cast and crutches. More will be revealed next week after seeing an orthopedist, but for now it's couch city for Coleman!

In thinking about which of my favorite past posts to post tonight, I thought about my kids and how I've tried to sprinkle family posts here and there among the quilting ones. So tonight, a post from August 30th, with the obligatory first day of school pics!


Today was a wonderful day - can you guess why? Huh huh? For the first time ever, all three of my kids are in school allllll day! No more half day kindergarten - I have a 1st grader, 3rd grader and 5th grader!

Sofia spent months planning what she would wear on the first day. It's very important to a 10 year old girl you know! She had some fancy outfit all picked out, then came out of her room this morning in her old shorts and a t-shirt! Go figure.

We also had some candid moments...

Then we finally got to school and they met up with their old friends...

It was a great day (especially for me!) and I have a feeling it's going to be a great school year!


  1. Hope Coleman feels better soon and that it isn't anything too serious!

    Happy New Year and all the best for a very creative 2012!

  2. Get better soon buddy. Jane, you got some adorable kids. Take care them very well. All of them are in the kinder garden? My kids just entered the high school. Elder son Timmy had some serious problems like sleep walking or soliloquy. I gave him a Sapphire Ring . And he was better after that. I love my kids as much as you do. Keep in touch.

  3. That is the precise blog for anybody who needs to find out about this topic.

  4. I wish Coleman feel better soon.I really appreciate with you.When kids are in his masti than they look so sweet.

    Soldes 2012
