Monday, December 26, 2011

J Is For...

Joanna! Yes that's me :) And A is for Anna, my wonderful amazing talented friend that I met online about 7 years ago now. We have met in real life - the kids and I went and stayed with her for a week a couple of years back...

She has taught me a TON of things about applique, and through her I have learned to be freer with my work, and no longer have the need to follow a pattern and do everything the same in a pattern down to the fabric selection!

She texted me last week asking for my address and on Saturday a package arrived in the mail. Do you know how hard it was to not open it and leave it until Christmas? It made me understand exactly how my kids feel at Christmas!

I finally got to open it yesterday and I gasped - it was just so completely perfect for me! She hand appliqued the dresden plate to the background and added my initial to the middle.

The colors and fabrics are perfect, and you better believe it will have pride of place in my living room. Or bedroom. Or quilt studio. How am I meant to decide?! Best of all, I'll be able to think of her every time I look at it, and be touched by the hours she spent making it just for me. When you're a quilter, nobody makes you things like this. They presume that you could just make it yourself, or they're scared that it wouldn't be good enough, when in reality, it touches me more than any expensive gift could. Anna is a master quilter herself, so she gets it :)

So thank you Anna! I love it, and you KNOW I love you!


  1. Are you sure it's bright enough? Are you? LOL. I think you two might have been separated at birth! Its gorgeous, if only a teensie weensie too bright for me, hahahaha. Can't wait to see it. I'm going to appliqué like Anna when I grow up.

  2. I happen to love Anna myself Somedaty I will get to meet her in person

  3. Joanna, girl you know you deserve it. You have become so dear and special to my heart. Yes, Brenda, I swear we were separated at birth. It was the utmost joy and pleasure to make that for you. We have taught each other much. You have given to me as much as you've received.

  4. Your friendship is worth so very much. I love the pillow too, though!
