Sunday, December 4, 2011


Time for another Seen It Sunday post, where I show you things I've seen in blogland this week that struck me as particularly clever, amazing, inventive, get the point!

First up, something crafty - a button bowl. How cool is this?...

You could use a balloon and white glue. We're all crafters of some sort here - most of us probably have buttons, right? Might even be fun to do with kids! Original post HERE.

Next up, something can make it for Christmas...toffee!

I'm not a fan of hard candy - I don't like it getting stuck in your teeth and I always avoided it until a friend here in NH gave us some she had made for Christmas about 5 years ago. Hi Tami!!! Oh my goodness it was sooooo good! I have been a fan of homemade toffee ever since. THIS RECIPE looks delicious and best of all, easy!

I have one more thing to show you. My hubby has been wanting to make himself a desk from a door for a while now and I came across THIS POST. Look at this work table - is it not the coolest thing ever?!!

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