Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Friend Shannon

 I have this friend called Shannon and she is amazingly talented and organized (oh to have her organization gene!) and has been creating patterns for her creations. She moved 1.5 hours away from me a couple of years ago (boo hoo for me) but we still keep in touch online and with the occasional in person visit.

She has just published her first quilt pattern and is having a giveaway of said pattern to celebrate! You can enter HERE.

Isn't it lovely? She shot this photo on a fence on their property - they live on the most glorious patch of acre upon acre in the country...


 I also love love LOVE her Oxford Owl pattern HERE...he's absolutely adorable!

I'm in two minds as to whether or not to tell you to enter, as I want to win, but she would love the visitors to her blog. She's an architect by trade, a fantastic graphic designer, and right now a stay at home Mom just like me! She totally deserves to have more readers. Her blog is always full of free patterns and great ideas! So go and give her some love xx

1 comment:

  1. These patterns are fabulous but I think I am too late to this (and I live too far away - in England) to win. Looking forward to seeing what gems you post in the A-Z challenge though.
