Thursday, April 11, 2013


My BFF (yes I feel like I'm 12 when I write that) is almost 9 months pregnant with her 5th child and has been having painful contractions all day. I'm the on-call babysitter for when they head to the hospital so I have been anxiously awaiting "the call" for a few hours now! And while I've been waiting I've been finishing up the quilt I've made for this new addition to their family.  Hey, in my defense, I thought I had another 3 weeks. I should've known!

Unfortunately I can only show you very small parts of it as neither her nor her husband know what sex the baby is, and showing you the whole quilt would give it away! I went to the ultrasound with them so I could find out and make the appropriately colored quilt! So here's your sneak peek of what I've been up to today...

While I was basting it on the kitchen table, look what my daughter forced me to listen to on iTunes! 
One direction oh how I despise you! I made it through 6 songs then I just couldn't take it anymore!

Want some more entertainment? Head over to my hubby's blog HERE where his "J" post dishes on who he considers to be the worst fiction writer on the planet! I actually agree with him, but wow he has some guts to write such a scathing review! I'd be so scared I'd hurt the author's feelings but then, if you've read the book in question I'm guessing you might just agree with him!


  1. The quilt looks great! Is that a cover of the Roxy Music song 'More than This'?

  2. Can't wait to see that quilt - it looks really nice.
