Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sunflower angels plus one of my little angels...

I wanted to do as I promised yesterday and make this a quilty-themed post so this afternoon I pulled out a quilt from the closet (I call it Sunflower Angels - from Garden Inspired Quilts by Jean and Valori Wells - see my Hotlist on the right) and put it, still folded, on my bed to photograph. Of course things came up (see end of post to see what exactly!) and I forgot about it. I came into my room just now to get the quilt and take a photo of it for you and what do I find but my youngest boy in my bed snuggled up under the quilt! So tonight you do get a photo of one of my quilts, just not in the usual way!
Now this boy has been causing trouble all week. I think with the excitement of school starting and things changing, he has been trying to make himself known. So here is the damage he did today, and the reason the title for today's post is quite ironic!
At the time I was not a happy mother and literally wanted to cry over spilt milk....but I was composed enough to take a photo as I knew that later on I would find it funny! Yep that's a whole brand new gallon of milk on my kitchen floor. I even got to move the fridge for this cleaning expedition.

PLEASE can someone tell me that something similar has happened to them?!! By the way, enough hours have passed that I am actually laughing at it now!!


  1. My friend's daughter once took a 5 pound bag of flour, opened it in their kitchen/dining room and proceeded to spread it around everywhere. Now that's a mess I wouldn't have wanted to clean up. (At least she didn't then get it all wet ...)

  2. Oh Wow! He does look darling curled up under your quilt though....

  3. After getting home really late one night, from a trip out of town, we left our suitcases in the living room and just went to bed. slept a little later than usual, and when I woke up, I wondered why the kids hadn't woken me up as usual. A trip to the kitchen told me why. At ages 5 and 3 they were getting their own breakfast. Cereal all over the floor, some jam here and there, a broken egg.. well, you can imagine. Thankfully neither of them decided to cook! It's funny now (25 yrs later) but then.... not so much! :)

  4. I have one. This little incident prompted the hasty removal of the kitchen carpet and some lovely laminate flooring.

    My little ones once poured out an entire bottle of chocolate syrup on the kitchen floor. Then, thinking that the brown needed some brightening, they poured on some Comet to add some lovely green highlights.
