Friday, August 31, 2007

Good mail day

Don't you love it when you get good mail? My DH decided to look through my Amazon 'Wish List' and today I received 4 books from it. What a sweetheart...I think I'll keep him!

There were 2 quilt books, one of them a Piece O' Cake book (I always say I want to be a Piece O' Cake lady when I grow up!) and a hardback version of the first 3 Elm Creek Quilts books which I have never got around to reading. Also were two super gardening books recommended to me by my friend Anna .... who is not only a prolific quilter but a prolific gardener too!

So I have a lot of reading to do over this long weekend. Yay!!

I also conned my lovely neighbor, Lori, into standing on our rock wall and holding up a quilt so I could take a photo! I tried getting my 6 year old daughter to do it, and she was tall enough but her little arms just couldn't reach the edges! Lori did a great job - you can barely even see her fingers!
It is the same quilt as in the post below with my son sleeping under it. Now you can actually see the full thing, though I do think it's darling to see a quilt being used to keep a child warm and cosy :)


  1. What a nice blog to happen upon! I love getting books in the mail, and you have a wonderful husband! I also want to say how much I love the garden angel quilt. I have that book, and there's not a project in it that I don't want to do! The angel sleeping underneat it is adorable too. I had to laugh about the milk, though, because I've raised two boys! Lord have mercy! LOL.

  2. Hi Joanna, You've been Tagged! List 7 things about yourself in a blog entry and then Tag 7 others to do the same! Have fun :) Karen

  3. Hi, Joanna,

    What beautiful sunflowers and your angel is adorable.
