Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Portland, Maine

So over the long weekend my hubby said, "Let's go for a drive to Vermont". I said great, because we had never been to Vermont before. We get in the car and he says, "I've changed my mind - we're going to Portland, Maine". Once again, I said great, as we'd never been there either! So off we go, and after numerous toll booths (I think there were 4 or 5 each way) we arrive and it is just beautiful! We went for a walk to the lighthouse over huge bolders. My 2 year old scared me to death jumping from bolder to bolder with no fear. I'm talking about jumping over spaces at least a foot long which is huge when you're 2! All was well however and the kids even got to paddle in the harbour. We also saw the biggest boat we've seen in our lives. Couldn't help but wonder what type of cargo it was carrying and where it came from/where it was going to.
Then driving home in the dark we were trying to find somewhere to stop and eat. It's 8 at night, the kids are whining, they're hungry, we have no idea where we are or if anything will be open. Finally we see lights and stopped at the most delicious seafood restaurant which was also very child-friendly - always a plus! It was in Kennebunkport Maine, which apparently is home to the rich and famous (not us lol) and even the Bush family has a home there. We couldn't help but wonder who might have sat in our seats at the restaurant! Do these fish and chips not look delicious?? And the coleslaw was the best I've ever had. Mmmmm I'm getting hungry just looking at it all!
We will definitely visit Portland again, this time a little earlier and not on a public holiday when everything is closed! It looked like a nice arty type of town with a ton of things to see and do. I saw a ton of knitting/yarn shops. Didn't see any quilt shops, but I'm sure they're there somewhere!

1 comment:

  1. It's fun to do things on the spur of the moment, isn't it? There are no expectations so it usually turns more fun! I am enjoying your blog--so colorful! Keep it up!
