Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pretty in Pink

My poor daughter - she has been sleeping on a mattress on the floor since we bought this place 5 months ago. And before she had the mattress, she was in a great big box! Totally her choice - she thought it was fun! But we finally got her a real bed. It's her first big girl's bed - she was in bunks with the boys before we moved.

So to celebrate her having a new bed I thought it was only fitting to paint her room. I thought it was an off-white before, but when I started painting it looked more like a yucky tanish dishwater color! Plus to make it really ugly before, the old owners had painted all the trim in her room brown. Just lovely. Now it is bubblegum pink with pure white trim! I think I am living out my secret dreams in her room - I would actually love a pretty pink frilly bedroom but I'm not so sure hubby would love it as much as I would!

'Before'... how the previous owners had it...(please take note of the lovely brown trim with the wall paint running onto it!)
A work in progress - don't you love the 'before' color?

And the quilty part of this post? Have a look at her bed - there is a quilt on it! My daughter and her Grandma in UT made it together in the weeks before we moved to NH. So it is a very special quilt to her. Please ignore the bed frame - I still have to get a pretty valance to cover it...oooh I love shopping for girly things!

....And 'after'!


  1. I love how fresh and girly the new room looks:) I had that same bed when I was younger!

  2. Very girly!! My granddaughter has a very similar quilt hanging on her wall that I made her when she was born. When she moved from her crib, I used a plain white dust ruffle and sewed 2 rows of pink rickrack to it. She loves it and now I need to make a matching crib dust ruffle for Gretchen due in February. Grace is thrilled to share a room....

  3. Your daughter is so cute! I had that same pink on my bedroom walls from the time I was in Jr. High until I moved away from home. It's such a happy color!

  4. OHHHHHH I love it.. LOVE IT!!!!!! You did a great job!!! sighhhhhh I remember the days when my girl was little....

  5. The room is wonderful as is the quilt.

  6. Ohh, I love, love, LOVE the pink walls and the quilt on her pretty white bed and oooohhhh, that carpet! What a lucky little girl you have!!! Can you be my mommy too??? I'd sure love to have you come over here and do my room up!

  7. What a beautiful transformation! Your daughter is lucky!
