Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"A Quilters' Gathering"

I was able to convince my DH to watch the kids so I could go to the NH annual show, "A Quilters' Gathering" last Thursday. He watched the boys but I had to take my almost 7 year old daughter with me but she loves quilt shows and I was glad of the company :)

The photo above is Diane Phalen signing a calendar for me - she was so lovely and she was the one that suggested I take a photo! I had told her about the first time I saw her work - it was about 15 years ago in NZ and my mother's friend had gone to the States and bought back a set of notecards for my mother and I by Diane Phalen. I thought they were gorgeous - quilts and fields and country cottages - so beautiful! I also told her that those notecards have been all around the world with me as I always intended to frame and hang them. They are still sitting in an unpacked box in our basement. I must get them out! I never imagined 15 years ago that I would meet the person who painted those cards that helped to spark my interest in quiltmaking!

And below are photos of quilts from the show - I was impressed, as there were a lot of quilts that were my colors and style. Here are some of my favorites...

"Wreaths" made by Nancy Henry

"Hypnotic Hypotenuse" made by Maria C. Shell

"Applique Sampler" made by Connie Krause

"Thanks, Suzanne!" made by Nancy Hahn

"Tilted Mountains at Sunset" made by Margey Keskin

"Pennsylvania Palette" made by Wendy Caton Reed

"Lady Liberty" made by Jane Raymond
"Baltimore Blues" no name

"Finding the Right Dance Partner" made by Valarie Maser-Flanagan "Spectrum II made by Fay & Merl Pritts (my daughter voted for this as her viewer's choice"!)

"Piecing the Color Wheel" made by Maria C. Shell


  1. wow! Beautiful quilts! I love the hypnotic one:)

  2. What beautiful quilts Joanna, and how wonderful you got to meet one of your favourite quilt artists! Isn't it a buzz when that happens! I have gotten to meet quite a few celebrity chef's since moving over here and I am thrilled each and every time! I don't know why, afterall, they are just people like me who get paid a heck of a lot more for doing the same thing as I do every day for peanuts!!! :-)

  3. What lovely quilts! I love the hypoteneuse quilt!
