Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hubby and I

Since one of us is usually holding the camera, Hubby and I don't often, as in hardly EVER, get a photo of the both of us. But after church today I got our 7 year old Sofia to give it a go. Since we had our Sunday best on and all!
Well here is Sofia's first attempt....Yes we weren't quite ready.
And here - much better!
I got sick of my blonde/too orange hair, plus my roots were annoying me too often - my hair grows very very fast. About an inch a month. So yesterday I got myself some "Light Brown" dye and now I am very close to my natural color, which is a lovely shade of mousy brown. I am considering getting it all chopped off, but like most men, hubby likes it long. Maybe if he had to live with it for a day he might change his mind!!

Now I know, it's not quilt related yet, but I can always turn anything into a quilt story! So look behind my hubby and you will see a house quilt. We had been married almost a year, and was pregnant with our first. Hubby's birthday was coming up and I wanted to make him a quilt. I quite liked the pattern for this house quilt in a magazine. But I wanted to know if he would like it or not, so I subtly left the magazine open to the right page in the bathroom hoping he would pick it up and notice it. Would you believe it actually worked??!! He came out one day raving about this quilt he really liked and would I make it? Sometimes men are just too easy to manipulate!


  1. LOL! Now that was a good one...a little sneaky, but really good. I might have to try it myself! B=)

  2. Look at you two, so cute. Sofia's photography skills are improving! Great job Sofia. You are so clever with the quilt. I know I have done stuff like that before but Doug usually doesn't get it lol.

    I know the gas is nuts right now. Doug goes to work about 15 miles North of the city, up 93. That would take some time off if you wanted to pick me up and go to your place. Then maybe he can come meet you half way on the way back. We will figure it out. Talk soon, Love Stacy

  3. Sofia did a good job. Both smiling. I love the quilt in the background! Glad I found your blog. Thanks for your kind comment!

  4. Great picture taking Sofia! Love that quilt!

  5. great pic and i love the house quilt...when it's close to valentine's day or another holiday, i, too, leave magazines scattered throughout the house turned to pages of gifts i might like! giggle...

  6. What a cute couple you are! Woo Hoo!! I love the house quilt!!

  7. What a great photo!

    Do you think maybe he knew what you were doing but played along since he liked the quilt? Hmmmm...

  8. Love the quilt! great photos!!! How did you two meet from so far away?

  9. Nice story, I may just have to get sneaky with the magazines too. I can see the problem with the photos. I end up wrangling relatives whenever they get the camera out to take baby photos.
