Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Two Cold Feet

You must head on over to Two Cold Feet - Stacy, the blog owner is my
"I-met-her-in-real-life-bloggy-friend" and she is having an AWESOME giveaway!!! Well worth entering! When you read about her giveaway you will see that she has put a lot of thought into it. I reallllllly want to enter, but she said she got me a pressie on her travels so I think maybe it's only fair that I bow out...boo hoo :( But I would LOVE it if one of my readers were to win! But the real treat is that Stacy has a great blog, with lots of fun things to read about.

I am coming up on my 100th post soon - I think I'm on my 90th now, so I'll be doing a giveaway soon too!

So what are you doing still reading this? Get on over to Stacy's blog and leave a comment!


  1. You are soooo sweet to put this up for me. You even got my picture : )

    Of course you can enter silly. Your pressie is separate. Tell Sofia I miss her and can't wait to see her new purse. Talk soon, Love Stacy

  2. I agree...Stacy's blog is great! So is yours by the way! You are a good friend.

  3. Hey Joanna, I have Stacy's giveaway on my blog too! and I am nearing my 100th post. It is funny how we all seem to meet each other in cyberspace and overlap 'friends'! Have a great day!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Joanna, Just found your blog and love it! I, too, love needle turn applique', although there are so many other kinds of handwork I love that I don't get to do too much of it. I saw where you went to the butterfly garden on your birthday and since I love butterflies I said to myself we have a lot in common. I just started a blog yesterday, and don't have much on it. Take a look. http://craftydianed.blogspot.com
    I hope to meet lots of friends through my blog, but since I am new to it don't really know how to go about it well.
    Have a Blessed Day,

  6. Hi Joanna. My daughter and I made another trip to The Corn Wagon. More damage done, but we sure came home with some fun fabric. Maybe I'll see ya there this summer.
