Saturday, July 19, 2008

Finished Quilt and Blech

Why did I write Blech in my post title? Because today we went to the local town fair and carnival and I stupidly went on one of these... Hmmmm the Super Loop wasn't as much fun as I remember it being as a teenager. In fact, it required an immediate trip to the bathroom where - well you can guess the rest. Yes, blech. Throwing up is not much fun! Does this mean that I am officially getting old?!

Onto much nicer things, I finally have a photo of my finished quilt. I did get it finished to be in the show, but unfortunately I didn't get it finished in time to be judged, so it was hanging for exhibit only. In a way I was glad. I have a love-hate affair with the judges critiques. It's always scary to get the judging sheet back - of course you always presume the worst, and mostly they have nice things to say, but still there are the criticisms, which are actually a good thing because it helps you to improve. But I didn't have to worry about that this time since it wasn't there in time for them to judge!

I put the borders on and I immediately knew, and my MIL confirmed, that it needed some applique. My favorite quilting word! So I sat down and drew up some shapes for the applique. Since I used a lot of polka dot fabric in the blocks I decided to do round flowers, which I thought were also a nice juxtaposition to the pointy pineapple logs. I am pleased with the result and can't wait to get back home to NH and hang it above my red couch!

There were some other lovely quilts there - I will show just a few...

And this picture is very special - it is my son and my MIL standing in front of a quilt she made him for his birthday last week. Today was the last day of the quilt show so he was finally able to take his quilt down from the show and he is sleeping under it tonight!
This is another neat photo... my MIL taught my 7 year old Sofia how to crochet a baby hat. My MIL makes a lot of them for the neo natal unit at the local hospital. Sofia was just so excited to make one, and to have it in the quilt show! These weren't judged, just on display, but Grandma made sure Sofia had a ribbon on her hat. I can't describe how excited Sofia was to see that ribbon on her hat! And even more excited that a tiny little baby would get to wear the hat she made.

Back to the carnival, we had a blast watching the annual Steel Days Parade... and I discovered today that my kids have zero fear of heights. Zero, zilch, nothing. Even my 3 and 5 year old boys were begging to go on the scary rides, and the look on their faces was pure joy and excitement! My 7 year old Sofia went on the 'blech' Super Loop ride with me - there I was sitting at the top upside down (they leave you there waaaay too long in my old lady opinion!) wanting to puke my guts out and she's screaming, "I want to get off RIGHT NOW"! Poor thing - she loved the ride but the upside down part scared her too! But she did go on the worst ride ever - you know, the one that spins around really fast (OK I know they ALL do lol) and you can hardly move - and in my opinion is worse than the 'blech' one, and she loved it. Go figure.

So that was our day. A fun time with family and the reality of getting old.

Oh, and just to show you that the son who likes to lick ice-cream off his shoe can be cute and not always gross, here's a photo from today - butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, right? Ha! Butter might not, but we all know that ice-cream would!


  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Your quilt looks great and you are right, the applique adds the finishing touch. I am going to have to start doing more of that on my quilts.

  2. You guys are having waaaaayyyy too much fun! Thanks for sharing the pics and confirming that old ladies should not go on rides. I thought I was alone, in that "sick as a dog" group of seniors. Maybe if we took some motion sickness think? HMMMM. I have a trip to Canobie Lake in a couple of weeks. Woe is me...LOL, somebody save me!

  3. Ooooh, sorry about the ride experience. The quilt is lovely.

  4. your quilt is lovely. I love the red !

  5. Ooo, lovely eye candy! And I just love red and turquoise together--it's my latest favorite combo.

    Congratulations to Sofia! And bless her little heart for learning the joys of donating so early in life. Kudos to MIL for teaching her to crochet already!

    I never used to be afraid of fast, high rides, either, though I was never fond of the upside down ones. However, driving over high bridges now makes me nervous. Do you suppose it's because we have seen too much by adulthood; we know what can happen?

  6. I love your quilt. I'm sure you would have won a ribbon if you enetered it in time.

  7. Oh Joanna its lovely. There were really fabulous quilts there. Really top notch. Yours is certainly one of them. Darling quilt and the applique sets it off so well. I'm not one for carnivals anymore. I am afraid I do the same thing as you!

  8. THANK YOU for showing us your GORGEOUS quilt! It turned out sooooo nice! Congrats on a lovely, quick finish! I can't even look at that loop ride...

  9. My love for carnivals has waned over the years. Blech! LOL

    I love your appliqued flowers on the border of your red quilt - perfect!

    Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures of the quilts and your DD's adorable hat.

  10. Wow .... what can I say .... love your pinepapple quilt and the applique added the finishing touch! Your daughter must be so proud of her crochet! Good for her.

  11. I just love your red and blue quilt. And your right, the applique in the border was just the thing it needed. Adorable!

  12. All day at Lagoon does me in, especially the heat. I am happy about the wonderful memories and I'm sure your kids will remember this fun summer. I love love love your quilt, it's totally awesome!!! The bright colors and applique make the quilt shine. It makes me happy!! Great job! You would surely have one a ribbon if I were the judge : )

  13. Your quilt is magnificent! I love the colors. You'll have to post a pic of it hanging over your red couch when you get home. As for the can have them...all of them. Not a fan, never have been, never will be;)

  14. Your quilt is beautiful, and you are still a 'baby'. Your stomach was probably just having a bad day.

  15. Oh I love that red quilt! I am collecting reds to make a red quilt from the Piece of Cake ladies and this is a great inspiration. Just found your blog. It is lovely.

  16. Congrats to Sofia! She is marvelous, like her Mama. Now, you can teach her to knit, I would've never thought it, but 2 of my girls learned at 10 and 8, my Mom taught them in 15 mins! Ok, the pineapple quilt, it is gorgeous, just perfect, and of course, we are the queens of applique, so you set it off just right! I have sworn off carnivals years ago, scared to death of getting on rides that they put up and take down that many times/year! And the round/circular/loopy things were made for throwing up, girl!

  17. Joanna, I love your blog. Thank you for the tutorial on the needle turn applique, it's been so handy!

  18. Your quilt is BEAUTIFUL! Love the color. Please post again when it is hanging over your red couch.

  19. Your quilt is striking in those colors.

  20. Hi Joanna...Loved ur post about the rides and ur quilt..ur applique is really fabulous..wish I had someone to teach me..hand me down some tradition...whatever skills I have are learned by myself..that is a bit tiresome..but I do hope some decades later I will be able to pass on my skills to someone..

  21. What a beautiful quilt! I absolutely adore it and the colours you used in it. It's a winner to me! I am like you. I can't even sit on a swing and have it move without feeling like I am going to be sick. It's horrible I know and I miss out on a lot of the fun other people seem to be having, but it's not worth the thrill of a few minutes to pay the price I have to pay afterwards!

  22. Joanna, I wouldn't have even got on that ride!!!!! Live and learn! :-) YOur quilt is gorgeous!!!! Wow! just whipped that up! Looks like you are all having a great summer!

  23. Hi Joanna, passing on this award to you...

  24. Hi..please check mu blog ..something wrong with the link..may have to copy paste the award..:) visit my blog

  25. Thanks for sharing the photos. The quilts are wonderful.
    I'm another quilter that just loves the look of applique on a quilt. It gives just the right finishing touch on a pieced quilt.
    Your red quilt looks great.

  26. Thanks for the virtual quilt show! The quilts are all terrific! Love the picture of your son and MIL in front of his quilt.

  27. Love the quilts!!! Amy sent me over for a peek, WONDERFUL!

  28. Loved your blog. Your quilt turned out great. I love the appleque. I love to do hand work it really relaxes me, and you can take it with you. A great plus.
    Looks like you had a wonderful day with family. Family is one of the best things in this world.

  29. Great quilt pictures, love the Monster quilt and the Stars. :-)

  30. Your red and blue quilt is just beautiful!!! Sorry about the urpiness!
