Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Almost at 100....

100 posts that is! This post is number 99, so to celebrate post number 100 I have made a little something to giveaway. So to keep you going until post number 100, here is a tiny sneek peek....

Onto other things, we are now back home in New Hampshire and back to real life. I thought you'd like to see how my hubby survived for six weeks without us, and nothing will show you better than the fridge as I found it...before.... and after.... I suppose this accounts for his 25 pound weight loss while I was gone! He really did - all his shirts are baggy and loose on him. It's as if someone came along and just cut 5 inches off his stomach - amazing! He is keeping it up, too - a great inspiration! The fridge is full but alas the cleaning fairy didn't come to work while I was gone, so I still have some cleaning up to do (especially in and around the fridge!) But all in good time. This is what has been taking up my time this week - and today the last in the installment arrived. Is anyone else as addicted to this series as I am? My friend Irene in Utah turned me on to these books and lent me her copies of the first two while I was there. Of course I had to order the other two and the third was waiting for me when I got home, and the other which was just released on Saturday arrived today. So my kids will be orphans for a couple of days while I get through all 700 plus pages! Totally riveting - I must know who Bella chooses - Edward or Jacob - and if you know, don't you DARE tell me!!! And if you have no idea what I am talking about, and enjoy a good love story - go and get these books! They have made the first book, Twilight, into a movie which comes out in December. Yes I will be standing there at midnight first in line lol!

Now, I must show you my latest aquisition. Since I came home with a whole lot of extra fabric......things needed to be re-arranged to accomodate said fabric. I needed something to put it all in. And not just another box - I wanted something decorative. I was thinking of the lovely decorative boxes at IKEA which I am kicking myself for not buying in UT while I was right there in the store. (We don't have one in NH, but there is one in Boston). So I went to Home Goods and saw this lovely creation. I fell in love with it but it was $40 and I just didn't want to spend that much. Then I looked closely at it and noticed one of the hinges had come undone - a simple fix with just a couple of screws. I showed the manager the poor broken door and she said I could have it for $20! So as you can see, it came home with me. It now houses my Kaffes, felted wool, and new patterns. And it took me 2 minutes to put new screws in the hinge. I think it was worth the 2 mins of work to save $20! It doesn't really match anything in my living room - the cupboard is very shabby chic and everything in my living room has very clean lines and I have a lot of wooden objects. But I don't care - I love it!

So I hope to become a regular blogger again. I think this is the longest I haven't blogged. I think I just needed a week to pack to get ready to come home and then a week to unpack and settle in. The jet lag was awful - we were sleeping until 11 in the morning. Horrible. But I'm back now! Do you remember how sick I was on the carnival ride in my last post? Same thing on the plane back here, the entire flight. Blech! Lucky there were beautiful views outside...

Don't forget to tune in to my 100th post for the giveaway!


  1. Someone else was looking for that book "breaking dawn" recently. I'd never heard of them but now I'm intrigued.

    I love the chic little cabinet, and what a steal. It's amazing what the companies won't do to make the full price if only to replace a screw.

  2. HHHMMMM, all of that getting sick at the carnival. on the airplane. did you have a little "going away party" with DH?!? hhhmmm......

    I love the new fabrics and the little cabinet. Not familiar with that book series, but I'll definately have to go investigate! :) ~Jessica

  3. Welcome back! You've been missed. :o)

    L-O-V-E all those beautiful, colorful fabrics! Yummy! :o)

  4. Don't you just love being home? I swear, no matter where I go, how much fun I have or how
    many wonderful people I meet, I always "just want to go home!" And I sure bet the hubby is feelin' pretty spiffy right about now too, having you home to "pamper him back to plumpness", LOL! Welcome Back!!!

  5. Did you redo your blog and I didn't notice? The look seems different. I guess I'm not observant enough. Its darling, anyway, I love the twirled rick racky look on the side.

    Ok the boxes and cabinet are darling! I love cool places to store my stuff.

    My husband would love to lose 25 lbs. Well, me too. But if I weren't home to feed him he would probably starve! Crazy how if they aren't handed a plate they won't eat.

    So welcome home. You've had a nice summer. Thats great. I still haven't gone to Springville yet. But its on my list. This week is ALpine Days so I'm putting some quilts in our little non-prize giving show. Its fun.

    Everyone keeps telling me to read those books!

  6. Sounds like you had a lovely trip. I read Twilight but haven't read the others. I did see they casted the boy who played Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter movies as Edward. I'll have to read the others...I never did because my daughters told me everything that happened!

  7. welcome back! and thank you for the tips on the books...i hadn't heard of them but am always looking for a great love story to read!...=)...p.s. i love the cabinet!

  8. Welcome home and that's a magnificant cabinet you bought. Its a good thing you got home when you did before your poor hubby just wasted away to nothing missing you.

  9. Yep, totally addicted to the twilight series too! In fact when the latest book came out I was planning to be the first one at costco to buy it but I had a primary activity at the same time so my friend got it for me.

    I can't believe your husband lost 25 lbs. How long were you gone?!

  10. It's always good to be home but I know that you and your little ones had a wonderful time.

    Cute cabinet - awesome bargain.

    I'm not familiar with that series of books - must investigate.

  11. Glad you made it back OK and a lovely new addition to your home too!
    If you decide it doesn't work just send it off to me as it would be just wonderful in my scrapbook room! LOL

  12. Welcome back! I knew I used to read your blog! Good thing you are here again. Love the litle cabinet you got for your FQs.. VERY cute!

  13. Welcome back! You brought home some wonderful fabric choices! Love the little cabinet too! Glad your travels were safe.

  14. Hey Joanna, glad you all got home safe and sound. I'm glad that you got to the Corn Wagon before you left. Man, your hubby really did miss you. I'm sure he's glad to have you back. How's the lasagne garden doing? Hope to go to SV to see the quilts soon and Alpine Days are this weekend. Would love to go there too. Great cabinet, and I can't think of a better reason to buy it. Simple repair, good price, and a place for your new goodies, btw, they look yummy;)

  15. Welcome home! What a great buy and so cute too! love, love, love the fabric!

  16. Ding, ding, ding!!! Reading your post and seing your little curio just reminded me of a curio I have stored away in the hall closet that a friend gave to me years ago for figurines... that I have never used.

    But, the light bulb went off when I saw yours and I think mine will be perfect size for storing FQs in!!! THANKS! :D Mine is straight lines and very simple and plain with glass doors that will show most of what is inside. That is cool that the manager halfed the price for you. You never know if you never ask right? :)

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie

  17. All your new fabrics are awesome. I love all those bright colors. I can't wait to see your 100th post. Congrats. It amazes me, since I have only been blogging for a week now.
    I started a Christmas quilt over two years ago and it has just set because I was not happy with the borders. Your applique has given me some ideas and the quilt new life.

  18. Ohh, I love the Twilight series! I just got the last installment and am devouring it! What a wonderful cabinet! And what a great bargain as well! Perfect! Love all the new fabrics as well and can't wait to see what you do with them!

  19. well, now, motion sickness, jetlag...refilled frige and fabric.

    that was quite an enlightening post!


  20. Hello Joanna

    I love your blog, and well done for 100th post, looking forward to your next 100,
    Take care

  21. Is that cupboard full size or table top? It is cute.
