This is it folks, post number 100. I also realized that this Friday will be the one year anniversary of my blog, so it's a double celebration! I was trying to think of something to make to give away, and though it is still Summer, my mind was on Fall, so here is what I ended up doing....

All the fabrics I bought in Utah, and the background is my current favorite fabric in the world, a gorgeous Kaffe. I bought 1.5 yards of it, which if you know me is amazing as I usually just stick to fat quarters. It started to rain while I was taking the photo, hence the tiny water drops on it, but I will remove them before I send it to you. Unless you particularly want them:)
Instead of my usual machine quilting, I did some big stitch quilting in different colors. It was so much fun - I want to make myself one now!

So all you have to do to be in the running is leave a comment on this post, and tell us all what your favorite season is and why. Mine I think has to be Fall, as I hate the heat of Summer and the cool crisp air of Fall means you can put on sweaters and feel all cozy. Plus it is just beautiful here in New Hampshire with the turning of the leaves. And of course, the holidays are so much fun - Halloween and Thanksgiving. Oh and one more - school finally starts again. That may be the best thing of all about Fall ;-) Talking of Fall, can someone tell me why this is happening under our maple trees?

I thought it was Summer. Plus some our other leaves are turning yellow and orange. Way too early - but I say, bring it on!
Today has been dreary and rainy but I love that kind of weather. We went to the library and checked out a bunch of DVD's, came home and the kids and I snuggled up in bed and have been having a movie marathon. For lunch I decided to be the mother of the year - look what I made us to eat...

THAT, folks, is grilled PB&J with sliced bananas and chocolate drizzled on top. Oh yes it was delicious! I was a popular Mum for a while there at lunch! It was the perfect rainy day treat. But I digress.....
Because this is a double celebration week for me with the 100 posts and the one year anniversary, I will put some extra things in the package - maybe some felted wool and little goodies. Whatever I find around here that I think would be fun for you to play with!
Thank you everyone for making the last year of blogging thoroughly enjoyable. I love reading all your blogs and do so constantly. It may be a slight obsession. I love your comments, they make my day each time I read them. Thank you thank you THANK YOU! I will draw a name this Friday, the blog's anniversary!
Well, congratulations! I recently celebrated my birthday and 200th post with a giveaway, and they're so much fun.
Fall has to be my favorite season. Around the neighborhood I'm known as The Halloween Lady since I go all out and do more every year.
But I do have to say this is the first year since school age that I have enjoyed summer so much--right up until August.
And I would love to win that cute wall hanging!
Confession - I've never in my life had a PP&J, no less with chocolate! My husband LOVES them but for some reason they just seem wrong to me. I know I'm probably the only person in the USA that hasn't had one.
Congrats on your blogversary and post celebration. Good for you Joanna. That fall applique is super darling! I love it.
My favorite season? Hmm I used to say fall when I lived in the east like you. But fall makes me sad because I feel like it goes so fast and then it's Christmas. I know I'm weird. So Spring I guess. I like a bit of them all though. I'm glad I live in a place that has the whole 4.
Well congratulations. This is a big celebration for you with one year as well. You don't need to enter me, I just wanted to say congrats and that I enjoy reading your blog.
What a fun FALL project. Congrats on your 100th post and your blogiversary!!
I absolutely love fall, the colors, the rain, the cuddling...
Yeah for 1 year and 100th post=)
That Fall picture is cute!
Congratulations! You are now a Blog Pro! I positively love coming to your blog. I can so relate to your daily life. I was headed to the library today and the rain kept me home...hmmm...isn't that weird? We could be in the same place and not even know it, LOL!
Oh, my favorite season? I'll give you one guess...yep! Fall! Love it, Live it! The pumpkins, the cool air (nothing zaps a hot flash as fast as a New England Fall breeze!)...the colors, the candies....oooh, did I say candy? I meant foliage!LOL!
Congratulations on 100 posts! Fall has always been my favorite time of year. Like you I hate the heat of summer and am ready for some cooler weather! Although, it seems like it gets cooler later and later every year. As a child I loved it when it was fall and I would be outside and the leaves would be blowing and I could smell the smoke from the fireplace. To this day when I smell a smoke from a fireplace it brings back those nice childhood memories! I also really love that turkey on Thanksgiving!
Have a Blessed Day,
Congrats on 100 posts! I bet you won't hear this much. My favorite season is winter! I find the snow and crisp, cold air refreshing and somehow romantic. I spend more time outside in the winter than the summer. I guess it's good I live in Western NY.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Congratulations on post anniversary, I love your give away the pumpkin is just perfect too. I LOVE FALL, I moved to Ohio and met my husband in Fall, needless to say lived there for 10years before coming back to hot Fl. I LOVE Fall OH-- did I say that before. Blessings, Marie
Happy, happy blogiversary! I truly have enjoyed your blog and inspiration you provide.
I love Spring - it's the season of rebirth and color. I love watching the trees with new leaves and flowers with new buds. A burst of color everywhere you look - pinks, greens, blues, lavendars, reds, yellows, etc. Sigh! :-)
Congratulations on your 100th post! That sandwich looks amazing - I've never tried one before. Anything with chocolate on it is good.
My favorite time of the year is fall, too. After the heat of the summer, it is nice to wear sweaters and sit and quilt without getting too hot. I have grand babies going to school now and I know their Mama likes fall, too.
Gale, a quilter from Kentucky
Congratulations on your anniversary and 100th post.
Spring is my favorite time of year. The earth comes alive in color. Flowers blooming, birds singing and butterflies everywhere.
The wallhanging is adorable and I definitely think you need one also.
You're an inspriation. 100 blogs ZA-ZING!
The fall wall hanging is great.
My favorite season... hum that's a hard one I love them all and I'm glad I live in a place where I get to enjoy each one and just when I get bored Wal-lah it's time for a new one. But if I had to pick one it would be winter. I love the snow and being cozy inside quilting! And no guilt because I am not out working in the yard that has a nasty habit of growing weeds every other season of the year.
Congratulations on your 100th post. I just found your blog, but I added it to my bloglines.
My favorite is spring. It's warm enough, but not too hot like summer and it's not cold like fall and winter.
Congrats on both! Fall is my favorite time of I really need that cute pic. Both my children were born in the fall along with an anniversary! Of course, the holidays are the best in the fall.
Wow, a woman after my own heart! I too love fall and dreary weather. The crispness of fall is just the best! (In fact, I love huge storms! It feels so powerful and dramatic to be outside when the weather is raging.) But what clenched it was the grilled PBJ. We had those for supper tonight! LOL
Well how exciting, I find your blog (which is quite cool.) AND a giveaway!!! Woo hoo!
I like each season at it's onset...but usually by it's last month I am DYING for the next season's relvelry. SO, right now I am totally getting excited for pumpkins and crisp evenings!
What a cute little quilt! I can't wait until it comes to live at my house! :)
Happy blogiversary & 100th post! I would have to say my favorite season is fall ~ I was raised in the Midwest and I love those crisp fall mornings (perfect for snuggling under a quilt while I drink my morning coffee!). And football is my favorite sport to watch and drinking a hot cocoa while watching the highschool football games (again, snuggled under a quilt)...well that's just heaven!
Let's just cut out the middle man and you can just send that adorable wall hanging to me, now. Because I KNOW I'm going to win it! :) ~Jessica
Hey Joanna,
Fall is my fav too. I love when it starts to cool down. Gives me a reason to climb under a nice homemade quilt;)
Congrats on your first anniversary and your 100th post. I have a very long way to go before I get there.
Please count me in.
Wow 100 post its amazing how time goes so quick,
The fall is a busy time for me as loads of birthdays to remember in my family, But the best time of year for me is the SPRING, as all new life is popping its head out in my garden,
I have had one year in my new home, still have loads of new flowers to plant, just love colour in the garden,
Take care
My favorite season is also the start of the cool season and Fall is when I go on my quilting retreat. Of course Spring has Paducah, and Summer I get to sleep in, but Winter is the pitts in the midwest.....
Love the wall hanging....
Double congratulations to you for 100 posts and one year of blogging! Fall is a wonderful time of year. Your cute little wallhanging will be perfect!
Joanna, happy blogiversary! How exciting! Love your little giveaway for fall! Not ready for it quite yet but it has been dreary and a little cool in upstate NY too! :-(
Love reading your blog! Now if I eat sandwiches like that while on vacation next year with your hubby, neither of us will lose poundage!!!!!LOL
Congrats on your blogging anniversary! Quite a mile-marker. As for that sandwich, I have GOT to try that, it's making my stomach growl just looking at it. I can't believe I never thought to drizzle chocolate on a sandwich, what WAS I thinking???
Thanks for offering the giveaway, too!
100 posts!! Congratulations.
I think that fall is my favorite. I don't like sweating. In Tennessee we sweat from April till October.
Winter is nice too, since we get off of school if there is even a hint that a snowflake might fall.
Of course, some years none even hint at falling.
Congratulations, Joanna. I love your gift, and hope I win. I put a link on my blog.
well congratulations on your one year anniversary! that is fantastic! I too love fall..I married my hubby in the crisp autumn air and the sun shining on the pumpkins..the colors of the fall are my favorite! I love the fairs, Topsfield, Deerfield, and our favorite is Fryeburg Fair in Maine!!!
Hi! I just found your blog. I must say that fall is my favorite too even though in Florida there is not much to it. I love the cooler weather, the colors and the upcoming holidays. I posted about your giveaway on my blog.
Congratulations! I love the wall hanging, how cute! Fall is my favorite. I love the weather, the school spirit it evokes, and the colors...I love the colors Fall brings out.
Congratulations! I have to say I enjoy fall the most. I love the colors of the trees as they turn.
Congratulations. I'm nearly to 100 as well. My favourite season is spring; warmer than winter, not so hot as summer; all the trees and plants coming to life; an atmosphere of hope and anticipation; I always get a 'spring in my step' too and get full of plans and ideas.
Wow. If I win can you throw in one of those sandwiches? LOL
My favorite season has always been Spring. I love all the flowering shrubs and trees and I check the garden every day for new growth. It all just makes me smile. :-)
My favorite season is spring. I Love to watch the gray and gloom, bloom and come to life!
But I love the fall applique!!
Fall is 2nd favorite. I love the COLORS!!
yea for 100 posts! I passed mine and didn't even realize.
Summer and fall are my favorite. The summer because I love eating all the delish melons and the fall because it is so beautiful.
good for you - 100 posts. It's fall for me - I love halloween and the relief from summer heat.
I have to agree with you about fall. I like summer for a while, since we have a pool, but then after a month I'm ready for fall and the cooler weather and football games and burning leaves. I love it all.
I don't want to win. I'd end up giving whatever to mom and you know how that would go. Are you talking about the grossies under your tree? Here ya go! I'm the most resourceful SIL you know..and we're up to .67 cents so far.
add the www in the front and a htm at the end.
This is a lovely piece - and I'd be happy to give it a home, even though we don't call it Fall here, as my favourite season is Autumn. I just love those days when it's still warm, but there's a little crisp edge to the sunshine and the skies are a rich blue with maybe one or two little clouds, and the leaves are all brilliant colours... Unfortunately, we don't get many of those days here - mostly it rains in the autumn. Oh well!
Congats on you 100th post.
I love winter as it is the only season were I can wear whatever and fell either too warm or too cold.
My fellow workmates are amazed that I wear shorts in winter. I work at the local primary school and every room I go into is way too hot for me... I can't stand summer as I get toooooooooooooo hot.
Once again congrats look forward to reading more
I would have to say that the Fall is my favourite time of year. I love that the days are still warm, but not NOT and the hint of crispness in the air. I love the smells, burning leaves . . . I love the sounds . . . dry leaves skittering across the pavement, the sound of happy kids walking to school, etc. I Just love everything about it! Congrats on your 100th post!
Oh Happy anniversary. I love what you made as your fall theme. I think fall is my favorite time of year. Crisp air, apple picking, making apple sauce, apple pies, carving pumpkins, and of course the beautiful color changes, which lead to watching the kids jump in that huge pile of leaves that can take any adult back to there childhood and doing the same thing.(that if you live in area where you have leaves falling)Here's to reading many more of your wonderful posts.
What a fun giveaway and I'll have to try the PB&J with bananas & Chocolate sandwich. PB&J w/Bananas has always been my favorite but I've never tried grilling it. I'll have to do that here soon! Thanks!
I'm so glad I didn't miss the drawing. I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention. It's been a busy last week before school starts on the 18th so, I've been distracted.
My favorite season is also the FALL. I love the cool crisp weather with the leaves falling all around. Soooo beautiful!
I hope I win. I haven't won a giveaway yet maybe Nanette's luck will rub off on me! ;0
Congrats on your blogiversary I have just stumbled upon your blog and it will definately be another to add to my list!
Now summer is usually too hot, winter too cold but spring and autumn, mmm just right, I enjoy autumn for all its glorious colour and enjoy spring for all the new life and promises it seems to bring! I can't choose between the two, Is that OK?
Look forward to moreposts in the future
Michelle from NZ
Wow...100 posts in 1 year!
I think I will be posting bunches more since as my teachers always told my parents...Cathie is a very chatty girl and needs to not "visit with her neighbors" in class so much! LOL
As for Fall...not here in Utah for a bit but as it is my favorite season I too say bring it on!
Congratulations on your 100th post. Summer it has to be Summer.Eat less, Wear less, Work less, Swim more, Walk more, More light, More Wamth, More Flowers, More weeds, More mowing,Daylight Saving and Cricket. Now a N.Z. would know what I say when I mention Cricket.
Hope it's not too late to enter your drawing! Even if it is, congratulations on your 100th post! My favorite season is spring because everything turns green again after the long, cold, dreary winter! Can you tell I don't like winter? Thanks so much! :0)
Please put me in the drawing. That is too cute.
I love Fall, it's my favorite season. Here in AZ it means a relief from the intense summer heat. I also love the Fall colors.
Congrats on your blogiversary.
Carol L.
Glendale, AZ
fall is my favorite season too. congratulations on your 100th post.
Think that sandwich needs a squirt of whipped cream and a fork too.
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