Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A bit of everything

Wow what a day - school started! WOO HOO!!! I am not one of those mothers crying as I drop my kids off. Oh no, I relish this time of year! And so do the kids - seems that they really DO enjoy structure and routine. Who knew?! Sofia started 2nd grade today and was up at 6 begging to go. We said go back to bed! Poor wee thing. I had stayed up late making her a special new skirt to wear and I suprised her with that at the end of her bed, plus new shoes and a new pencil case. And did she wear the new skirt? Oh no, she wore something different, but promised to wear it tomorrow. I will post a pic tomorrow of the skirt, plus where you can go see the fabulous tutorial to make one!

My boy, Coleman, starts Kindergarten this year. He has been counting down the days. He's been ready for...oh...about a year now! He was on the floor crying this morning when he realised that today was actually Kindergarten open house and I would be going with him. He was sobbing, "But I want to go by MYSELF!" Can you tell that there is not an ounce of separation anxiety with my kids?

Now onto something completely different, I have been asked a few times about how to make the monogram letters from my last post, and if there are any instructions. Well I am happy to report that yes there are, and you can see them in this issue of Cotton Spice magazine - the best online quilt magazine ever, and definitely the best value for money as it's all free! Just go to page 56 and you will see them in all their glory! There is another issue coming out in less than a month. I will be sure to post when it comes out so you don't miss it :)
I am sorry for not including that helpful bit of information earlier! I blogged all about it back here, but have to remind myself that new readers of my blog wouldn't know that!

So how many different subjects do you think I can cram into one post? How about another - my garden! I have had some of you ask how it's been working out, and the answer is great! We have been eating delicious tomatoes for the last month, and there are still plenty growing.
Next year I will triple the amount of tomatoes now that I know this whole Lasagne Gardening thing works! Plus I will venture into other arenas - like...gasp...flowers!

We managed to eat only one of the cucumbers I had grown. We have a resident woodchuck that seems to have a thing for cucumbers. I was also proud of my teeny watermelon that started to grow...... but I also have a little boy that seems to have a thing for teeny watermelons. He brought it in to me one day proclaiming, "Look Mum - we have a watermelon!" And it had a nice bite mark in it. He was most disappointed that there wasn't any red stuff inside. Not suprising since the whole thing was smaller than a golf ball!

So that's my mish mash of a post. I hope everything you have ever wanted to know was covered. I'm still working on world peace.


  1. Such a funny story about the watermelon. What a funny little guy. I took a quick peek at the magazine, but will come back and look better later. I did find your pattern.

  2. That is so funny about the watermelon!

  3. Your garden story is great and I know what you mean about school starting. Although I missed my kids when they were in school all day, I had no problem finding things to keep myself busy;)

  4. Wonderful post! I love reading about your family adventures, even about golf ball sized watermelon's that disappoint! I always loved the first day of school myself, as a child and as a mother! Whew!

  5. Lucky you! we don't start school until next Thursday! Crazy huh??? I haven't ever read the mag but have flipped through it. Must, huh?

  6. Wow, your garden did do great. I have a friend here at work that was very interested in the Lasagna garden, I will have to forward your blog address to her so she can check out your success.

    Ah, school days...don't you just love em! I sent my youngest off to school this year too - but as her first year as a teacher. She is teaching 3rd grade and those are some lucky third graders if you ask me!

  7. I'm feeling the same about school! I think Elizabeth is too! She has been ready since she was bout 2 though, so we're really anxious, and we've got ANOTHER year to wait!

  8. Wow Joanna, you're in a magazine. Lovely for you. Those letters are so darn cute. I feel the same way about school. My 3 youngest started last week and I was happy to see them off. Of course they are 13, 15, and 17. Hurray for your garden. Ours is doing well, at least the tomatoes and peppers. I had a tomato sandwich last night that was devine. You write about such fun things.

  9. Fun,Fun,Fun! I had a great time reading your post...it's always nice to spend some time with friends, even if they don't know it. Is it still stalking of your friend has a blog? LOL!
