Friday, September 5, 2008

This is what you do when you WIN!

Oh yes, I was a winner over the weekend. Pink Penguin had a giveaway going of some darling fabric which she picked up on her recent trip to Japan. She was giving away 3 bundles of it, and yesterday what arrived in my mailbox but this.....

I was so excited! Now I know I'm late jumping on this bandwagon, but in case you haven't seen, she has this awesome tutorial on her blog for these little fabric bags, so what better to use her fabric on?! So this is what I made today...
This one is entirely from the Japanese fabrics, and I'm giving it to a dear Japanese friend I have here.

This one is to go in my orange kitchen...
And this one in my living room... It will match this... Remember that I made this while I was on vacation in Utah? Well it now is happily hanging in my living room and gets on very well with my red leather furniture:)

I see more of these bags in my future. I'm thinking of doing the top part in a single piece of fabric, instead of little squares, and doing some applique on it. Along with the 1000 other projects I have in my head. If you look at the photo of them all together up top, you will notice that they get progressively taller/skinnier. I played with the size of the boxing-in part - go see the tutorial to see what I'm talking about! The wider one is done exactly as in the tutorial if that helps.


  1. Oh, you lucky duck!! I LOVE that fabric....

    Aren't the buckets addicting? Our guild made them at our retreat last week. They loved making them.
    I too played with the sizes and one of them turned out the correct size for one roll of toilet

  2. wow, you are fast! she'll be so pleased that you jumped right in and used her fabric. scrumptious!

  3. Be still my heart. I love that Japanese fabric. LOVE. And yes I have several of those. I am a fanatic when it comes to Japanese fabric. Terrible habit! The baskets are fun aren't they! I messing with the size and design. Its just such a great idea. Pink Penguin rules. They are addicting. But so is fabric. Sigh

    Yours are so cute Joanna. I can't wait to see one with applique. Now thats a great idea.

  4. I can't wait to try the bag tutorial. I just finish a twirly skirt for my DD. She loves it. Thanks for sharing your wonderful finds and ideas.

  5. Hey Joanna,
    Congrats on winning the fun fabric. Aren't those little bags fun...I'm glad that you posted a pic of your quilt hanging over your couch;) It looks great!

  6. Now you have a good start on this years birthday gifts for all the friends of your daughters like we talked about this summer! Or to return to an older idea, just put the cute applique' initials on the bags. Of course it would cover up that darling fabric.

  7. You're so sweet to make the baskets out of the fabric that you won. Your baskets are super cute and I am absolutely sure that your friend will love it! Thanks so much for making a very good use of the Japanese fabric and sharing the pics with us on your bloggie!

  8. I just cant chose which one i like the best, well it will have to be all, what great gifts you have got, So pleased for you

  9. The fabrics are fantastic! I really like those bags, I need to try that tut.

  10. Congratulations on your win and you certainly made quick use of them. The bags are very nice.

  11. How lucky are you!!! What lovely bags you made too. I am most impressed!!!

  12. Gorgeous fabrics and I love the tote bags. I am inviting you to participate in a Fall into Fall Quilters Blog giveaway that I am hosting. Come on over and check it out.

  13. WOW Joanna - I am amazed at all the beautiful things you have made. I adore the little twirly skirt and would like to make some for my nieces - but I think what took you a half hour would take me a half week :( I have been promising my hubby I would make him a quilt out of all of his Hard Rock Shirts he has collected over the years. But I have NO IDEA where to even begin. Closest I have come to quilting was making a lapsized strip quilt for my sister.

  14. Thank you for stopping by and wishing me a happy birthday, maybe you will be lucky two times in a row. I love that fabric and i love what you did with it! When my giveaway is over, I am going to make a pot of coffee and come visit for an hour or two! Good Luck, Jane

  15. That pie looks great. I'll try it this weekend. I'm new to your blog came over from nanette merrill. I'll be back. Mimi

  16. Hi Joanna
    Thankyou so much for your blog,i have tagged you today as you have given me so much inspiration from your blog,
    Take care

  17. You are so lucky, the little bags are great very usefull, i shall have to make one of these, So happy for you,
    Take care

  18. Oh those are cute and that fabric!! LUCKY!! I just saw a young lady with a very cute bag this evening that was very similar but it was made from that pre-quilted fabric. It was so small and cute though! Thanks for the link to the tutorial.

  19. Cute, cute, the bags!

    Hey, this is Swaneesinger from Boston area... Are you in the Nashua Stake?

    Maybe I'll see you around! :)
