Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cotton Spice

I am so sorry I haven't blogged for over a week. I didn't even realize until Upstatelisa reminded me....thanks Lisa! I have been rather busy, including a nice flood a week or so ago of sewer water in the basement. Don't worry, everything is fine now, but hubby and I sure had fun (is that what you call it??) cleaning it up at 2am. We didn't even have a shop vac so hubby went to Wally World - yes at 2am and joined the line of others buying shop vacs for the same reason. Thanks to a nice tropical storm the drains couldn't handle the storm water and sewerage. And of course, brilliant woman that I am, I decided to do laundry at 1 in the morning and that just opened the floodgates - yes pun intended - and well the rest is history.

But I must say, my basement has never been cleaner. Being doused in bleach tends to do that.


I have exciting news! The very latest issue of Cotton Spice Magazine is out, and I have another project in it! Woo Hoo!!! You can check out the magazine here, and my project is on page 38. It is the pumpkin table topper/wallhanging which I blogged about here last Fall.

It is fast and easy and a ton of fun to make. I also love the new style and fonts Karen and the team at Cotton Spice have used in this issue. And there is a special section on Sunflower projects - I am loving this issue! Soooo much fun!! Remember, the magazine is 100% free and there are 112 pages of it for your viewing pleasure:)

Temperatures around here have finally dropped and I even wore a jacket yesterday. I love this time of year! Not hot but not too cold - a crispness in the air. We can't wait to go apple and pumpkin picking. I have really enjoyed making these new American traditions. I do love how much Holdays and seasons are celebrated here. It seems like there is something fun going on all year round!

Oh and you probably noticed I changed my blog around a bit. I'm still playing, so don't be suprised if it looks different next time you visit! I really like the 3 column template - Blogger doesn't offer it, but you can easily change it yourself by following these very easy instructions. Thanks for the heads up Lisa!


  1. congratulations joanna...i love their magazine too.

  2. Joanna! Love your new banner! and how cool to have a project in their mag! I started reading it when you mentioned it on your blog! I love this weather too! It seems that NH gets a lot of flooding! what is the deal with that!!!! Glad to see in blog land again!

  3. Well, aren't you the hot ticket? Designer and Webmistress! I'm lovin' that runner...Woo-Hoo! And the blog's facelift? Well, let's just say I had to check the picture to make sure I was in the right spot! I'm thinking I might be needing a pumpkin runner these if I could only do the quilty thing on the runner it would be looking so professional, like yours! Private lessons? =)

  4. Oh, did I neglect to mention that you have a bloggy award? All you have to do is go to my blog and right click to collect. Now don't forget to Pay it Forward and share your favorite blogs with us! =)

  5. I love the new look of your blog! And congratulations on the project. Very exciting! :)

  6. Such a cute quilt!
    I wish we had "jacket weather" - still muggy here but the weather had been in the low 80's.

  7. I was wondering what you were busying yourself with...sorry to hear about the flood. Congrats on your second publishing;) Love the new look of your blog...kind of Fallish.

  8. I'm so lame I've never heard of Cotton Spice. I'll check it out later today. Your pumpkins are wonderful. No wonder they used them. Mimi

  9. That sooo awesome!!! Congrats! The runner is way fun. You go girl!!

  10. Hi Joanna.. Love ur new-looking blog...nice runner too..cheers!

  11. Your new blog look is great - very fall. And I love the pumpkins. I'm just enjoying the wonderful eye candy out there in these colors. Congrats for you again Joanna. Its fun to have work recognized!

  12. Congrats on the magazine article Joanna!! u go girl! Sorry to hear you had some problems with the flooding. glad it's all sorted now and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new header!

  13. Oh you poor thing, I hate to think fo the job you two must have had to clean that up. Glad you have it all done now and sanitized basement! Congratulations on having your pattern published.

  14. I had a basement flood once....oh, or maybe it was three times---I lose count...

    It was a good way to have a chance to get rid of A LOT of things!

    Congrats on being in a magazine---cool!

  15. Sorry to hear about your flooding basement,
    Pumpkin runner is great, good news about the mag,
    Well done

  16. Hi I was just wondering how you got three columns on your blog i saw the other day were but have forgot the site. Can ypou put me in the right direction...I hope the basement problem is all fixed

  17. Thanks so much I have just changed the blog layout..Thanks Thanks
