Wednesday, October 1, 2008


My niece, Desiree, just had a baby, so of course I just had to show off my brand new great-niece, Brooklyn Rachelle Reid. Only problem for me is she is all the way over in New Zealand! I used to change Brooklyn's Mum's diapers and now she has a baby of her own? Crazy! Makes me feel a little old. I am a great-aunt many times over now. Sigh.

Don't you love all the hand-made clothes on her? They look suspiciously like my Mum's handiwork....almost makes me want another baby, just for the baby clothes alone.

Now you see this picture below? That is my brother, Peter, holding his new (and first) grandbaby in the hospital. Now see that photo on the wall behind him? That is a photo the hospital took of Peter holding his youngest daughter, about 12 years ago, and which they still have on the wall in the maternity wing. Isn't that crazy? Crazy in a fantastic way!

Do you think I'm a little bit homesick??

Oh and by the way, this is Desiree when she was about 34 weeks pregnant...
And this was just a week ago...The baby was 9lb, 4oz. Need I say more?!!


  1. I know that homesick feeling I lived in UK for 11 years. Its moments like these that you really want to be home! I LOVE that photo of your brother standing in front of his photo. Its wonderful because not many people would get the opportunity for such an amazing "Kodak moment". Your niece is beautiful. Congrats!!

  2. OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!

    She is beautiful and the hand made clothes are georgeous and I want another baby even in Wal-Mart clothes!

    The pic of Peter in front of the other picture is priceless!

    Families rock.

    And now I am crying.

  3. Congratulations on your new grand-niece - so precious! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.

  4. oh wow...what an absolutely gorgeous looks like a pic of a doll...=)...beautiful

  5. Precious baby. The picture with your brother is so neat. Definately a keepsake.

  6. oh wow! darling baby. mama certainly needed to deliver.

  7. You should have another baby so I can come over and sniff it! I love the baby smell...GP is absolutely,positively, 100% against any baby coming to our house. No babies... good thing too 'cause pics like those sure make me think we need to add some to this bunch of old geezers, LOL! I love babies!!!

  8. What a beautiful baby girl. I Loved the photos. Those pictures of Peter are priceless as Cynthia has said. I know what it is like to feel homesick. I feel twangs of it every day... (((hugs)))

  9. Brooklyn is a gorgeous young lady. What I want to know is if your niece knows you posted that last photo of her?

  10. Oh, she's adorable! I miss those tiny days...

  11. I just had my little baby Emily in a hoody that was given to me by you. It is still one of my favorite pieces of clothing. I can't believe people still make stuff like that by hand!

    That baby is beautiful. She almost looks like a perfect little doll.

  12. she was so cute while expecting!!! makes me wish I had takem more photos of me when I was expecting... wow - congrats on the new little one! ~bonnie
