Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Valori Wells Fabric Challenge

Don't faint at the fact I have done TWO posts in one day. I know, I know, I nearly fainted myself.

OK folks, head on over to Nancy's blog and vote for one of the projects made with Valori Wells fabrics. A few months back, Val had a giveaway on her blog, and a bunch of us got a pack of fat quarters from her. You can read about it here. Nancy thought we should have a challenge using our free fabrics, and you can see the results on her blog. Some really creative things were made. I love the fabric and have bought almost the entire line now! I'm taking off the sneak peek of my project on a previous post, just so you don't guess which is mine, and it can be as fair as possible. If these photos whet your appetite, there are additional ones on Nancy's blog :)


  1. Didn't we all do a great job!! We should all win more fabric and do this

  2. Those are absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad you are backing posting.

  3. Lovely lovely items. Love your new header too.

  4. wow..what beautiful things you all have made and that is one darling baby...the clothes are amazing too!

  5. They are wonderful. I love the colors.

  6. What wonderful colours in all the projects:)Andrea

  7. Hi from New Zealand. I hadn't visited your blog before but couldn't leave without a "Hello," from a quilter in NZ.

    Lovely fabric!

  8. Hey J, hope you're keeping busy doing something fun. We miss you out here in blogland;)
